28 Tex. Admin. Code § 152.1

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 152.1 - Attorney Fees: General Provisions
(a) To be eligible to earn a fee, an attorney representing any party shall hold an active license to practice law in Texas and not be currently under suspension for any reason.
(b) An attorney may receive a fee for representation of any party before the commission only after the commission approves the amount of the fee. An attorney shall not receive an amount greater than the fee approved by the commission, notwithstanding any agreements between the parties, including retainer fee agreements.
(c) The fee approved by the commission shall be limited to 25% of each weekly income benefit payment to the employee, up to 25% of the total income benefits allowed and shall also be based on the attorney's time and expenses, subject to the guidelines and standards set forth in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act (the Act) and commission rules. An attorney's fee for representing an injured employee becomes a lien against any unpaid income benefits due the injured employee once the carrier receives the commission order approving the fee. The carrier must begin payment out of the approved income benefits by mailing a check to the attorney within seven days after receiving the commission order and thereafter whenever income benefits are paid until the fee has been paid or income benefits cease.
(d) An attorney's fee for representing a claimant may upon request by the attorney or carrier and approval by the commission be commuted to a lump sum only out of a sum certain award or order to pay benefits. This commuted fee may be discounted for present payment at the rate provided under the Act, §401.023, and shall not exceed 25% of the unpaid sum certain. A commuted fee shall be recouped by the carrier out of the future income benefits paid to the represented claimant, not to exceed more than 25% out of any single payment. The fee for representing a claimant for death benefits cannot be commuted where the only dispute involves identification of the proper beneficiaries.
(e) A client who discharges an attorney does not, by that action, defeat the attorney's right to claim a fee for services performed by that attorney prior to discharge.
(f) An attorney for an employee who prevails when a carrier contests a commission determination of eligibility for supplemental income benefits shall be eligible to receive a reasonable and necessary attorney's fee, including expenses. This fee is payable by the carrier, not out of the employee's benefits, and the fee shall not be limited to a maximum of 25% of the employee's recovery. All provisions of these rules, except § 152.4 of this title (relating to Guidelines for Legal Services Provided to Claimants and Carriers), apply.

28 Tex. Admin. Code § 152.1

The provisions of this §152.1 adopted to be effective February 22, 1991, 16 TexReg 774; amended to be effective April 20, 1994, 19 TexReg 2547.