28 Tex. Admin. Code § 3.502

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 3.502 - Definitions

For purposes of this subchapter, the following terms have the meanings indicated, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise:

(1) Actuarial value (AV)--As defined in 45 CFR § 156.20, concerning Definitions.
(2) Cost-sharing reductions (CSRs)--As defined in 45 CFR § 155.20, concerning Definitions.
(3) Essential health benefits (EHBs)--Health benefits contained in the applicable "essential health benefits package" as that term is defined in 45 CFR § 156.20.
(4) Federal medical loss ratio standard--The applicable medical loss ratio standard for the market segment involved, determined under subpart B of 45 CFR part 158 , concerning Issuer Use of Premium Revenue: Reporting and Rebate Requirements.
(5) HHS--The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
(6) Issuer--An insurance company or health maintenance organization that issues a plan that is subject to Insurance Code Chapter 1698, concerning Rates for Certain Coverage.
(7) Index rate--A rate based on the total combined claims costs for providing essential health benefits within the single risk pool of the applicable market.
(8) Plan--As defined in 45 CFR § 144.103, concerning Definitions.
(9) Product--As defined in 45 CFR § 154.102, concerning Definitions.
(10) Qualified actuary--An actuary who is certified by the American Academy of Actuaries to meet the U.S. Qualification Standards.
(11) Single risk pool--With respect to a particular issuer and for the purposes of considering claims experience and developing an index rate, the grouping of all members enrolled in individual market plans or small group market plans that are subject to this chapter, consistent with 45 CFR § 156.80, concerning Single Risk Pool.
(12) Unified Rate Review Template (URRT)--A spreadsheet that comprises Part I of the rate filing justification, as described in 45 CFR § 154.215, concerning Submission of Rate Filing Justification.

28 Tex. Admin. Code § 3.502

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 47, Number 23, June 10, 2022, TexReg 3468, eff. 6/16/2022