26 Tex. Admin. Code § 320.17

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 320.17 - Rights of Individuals Apprehended for Emergency Detention for Inpatient Substance Use Services

The rights of each person apprehended and presented for emergency detention for inpatient chemical dependency services at a department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital are granted under the relevant sections of the Texas Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Act (Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5561c-2).

(1) Each person apprehended or detained, but not yet admitted, for emergency detention has the following rights.
(A) The right to be advised of the location of detention, the reasons for detention, and that detention could result in a longer period of involuntary commitment.
(B) The right to contact an attorney of the person's own choosing with opportunities to contact that attorney.
(C) The right to be transported back to the location of apprehension, or other suitable place, if not admitted for emergency detention, unless the person is arrested or objects to the return.
(D) The right to be released if the head of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital determines that any one of the criteria for emergency detention, as outlined in the Texas Health and Safety Code, § 573.022, no longer applies.
(E) The right to be informed that anything the person says to the personnel of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital may be used in proceedings for further detention.
(F) The right to have a preliminary examination by a physician conducted immediately upon arrival at the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital following apprehension to determine whether the person meets the criteria for admission for emergency detention. If a physician is not available to conduct the examination, steps shall immediately be taken to arrange for the examination as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours after apprehension.
(2) If a person is accepted for treatment on an emergency detention, the personnel of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital shall immediately advise the person of the following rights.
(A) The right not to be detained for more than 24 hours after the hour of initial detention unless an order for further detention is obtained, except that if the 24-hour period ends on a Saturday or a Sunday or legal holiday or before 4 p.m. on the first business day succeeding the Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the period of detention shall end no later than 4 p.m. of the first succeeding business day. In the case of an extreme weather emergency or disaster, a judge may also delay the hearing by written order for no more than 24 hours at a time.
(B) The right to be released if the head of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital determines that the criteria for emergency detention, as outlined in the Texas Health and Safety Code, § 573.022, no longer applies.
(C) The right to be transferred back to the location of apprehension, or other suitable place, if released from emergency detention, unless the person is arrested or objects to the return.
(D) The right to be informed that no later than the 24th hour after the hour of initial detention, the head of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital may file a petition for court-ordered treatment, except that if the 24-hour period ends on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the petition shall be filed no later than 4 p.m. of the first succeeding business day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
(E) The right to be informed that if a petition for court-ordered treatment is filed, the person is entitled to a judicial probable cause hearing no later than the 72nd hour after the hour on which detention begins under an order of protective custody to determine whether the person should remain detained in the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital, except that if the period ends on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the hearing must be held no later than the next business day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. In the case of an extreme weather emergency or disaster, a judge may also delay the hearing by written order for no more than 24 hours at a time.
(F) The right to have an attorney appointed when application for court-ordered services is filed (if the person does not have an attorney).
(G) The right to communicate with the attorney at any reasonable time and to have assistance in contacting the attorney.
(H) The right to be informed that anything the person says to the personnel of the department facility, community center, or psychiatric hospital may be used in making a determination relating to detention, may result in the filing of a petition for court-ordered treatment, and may be used at a court hearing.
(I) The right to present evidence and to cross-examine witnesses who testify on behalf of the petitioner at a hearing.
(J) The right to refuse medication unless there is an imminent likelihood of serious physical injury to the person or others if the medication is refused.
(K) The right to be informed that beginning on the 24th hour before a hearing for court-ordered treatment, the person may refuse to take medication unless the medication is necessary to save the person's life.
(L) The right to request that a hearing be held in the county of which the person is a resident, if within the state.

26 Tex. Admin. Code § 320.17

Transferred from 25 TAC § 320.159 Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 44, November 1, 2024, TexReg 8747 eff. 11/29/2024