26 Tex. Admin. Code § 262.701

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 262.701 - LIDDA Requirements for Providing Service Coordination in the TxHmL Program
(a) A LIDDA must offer TxHmL Program services to an applicant in accordance with § 262.103 of this chapter (relating to Process for Enrollment of Applicants).
(b) A LIDDA must process enrollments of individuals in the TxHmL Program in accordance with § 262.103 of this chapter.
(c) A LIDDA must be objective in the process to assist an individual or LAR in the selection of a program provider or FMSA and train all LIDDA staff who may assist an individual or LAR in the process.
(d) A LIDDA must, upon the enrollment of an individual and annually thereafter, inform the individual or LAR orally and in writing of the following:
(1) the telephone number of the LIDDA to file a complaint;
(2) the toll-free telephone number of the HHSC IDD Ombudsman, 1-800-252-8154, to file a complaint; and
(3) the toll-free telephone number of DFPS, 1-800-647-7418, to report an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
(e) A LIDDA must maintain for each individual for an IPC year:
(1) a copy of the IPC;
(2) the PDP and, if CFC PAS/HAB is included on the PDP, the completed HHSC HCS/TxHmL CFC PAS/HAB Assessment form;
(3) a copy of the ID/RC Assessment;
(4) documentation of the activities performed by the service coordinator in providing service coordination; and
(5) any other pertinent information related to the individual.
(f) For an individual receiving TxHmL Program services and CFC services within a LIDDA's local service area, the LIDDA must provide the individual's program provider a copy of the individual's current PDP, IPC, and ID/RC Assessment.
(g) A LIDDA must ensure that a service coordinator is an employee of the LIDDA and meets the requirements of this subsection.
(1) A service coordinator must meet the minimum qualifications and LIDDA staff training requirements described in Chapter 331 of this title (relating to LIDDA Service Coordination ), except as described in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(2) Notwithstanding § 331.19(b) of this title (relating to Staff Person Training), a service coordinator must complete a comprehensive non-introductory person-centered service planning training developed or approved by HHSC within six months after the service coordinator's date of hire, unless an extension of the six month timeframe is granted by HHSC.
(3) A service coordinator must receive training about the following within the first 90 calendar days after beginning service coordination duties:
(A) rules governing the TxHmL Program and CFC; and
(B) Chapter 264 of this title (relating to Consumer Directed Services Option).
(h) A LIDDA must ensure that a service coordinator:
(1) initiates, coordinates, and facilitates the person-centered planning process to meet the desires and needs as identified by an individual and LAR in the individual's PDP, including:
(A) scheduling service planning team meetings; and
(B) documenting on the PDP whether, for each TxHmL Program service or CFC service identified on the PDP, the service is critical to meeting the individual's health and safety as determined by the service planning team;
(2) coordinates the development and implementation of the individual's PDP;
(3) coordinates and develops an individual's IPC based on the individual's PDP;
(4) coordinates and monitors the delivery of TxHmL Program services and CFC services and non-TxHmL Program and non-CFC services; and
(5) document whether an individual progresses toward desired outcomes identified on the individual's PDP from the individual's and LAR's perspectives.
(i) A LIDDA must inform an individual or LAR of the name of the individual's service coordinator and how to contact the service coordinator.
(j) A service coordinator must:
(1) assist the individual or LAR or actively involved person in exercising the legal rights of the individual;
(2) provide an individual, LAR, or family member with a written copy of the booklet, Your Rights in the Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Program, available on the HHSC website, and an oral explanation of the rights described in the booklet:
(A) at the time the individual enrolls in the TxHmL Program;
(B) when the booklet is revised;
(C) upon request of the individual, LAR, or family member; and
(D) if one of the following occurs:
(i) the individual becomes 18 years of age;
(ii) a guardian is appointed for the individual; or
(iii) a guardianship for the individual ends;
(3) document compliance with paragraph (2) of this subsection in the individual's record and include:
(A) the signature of the individual or LAR; and
(B) the signature of the service coordinator;
(4) ensure that the individual and LAR participate in developing a PDP and IPC that meet the individual's identified needs and service outcomes and that the individual's PDP is updated annually and if the individual's needs or outcomes change;
(5) if a behavioral support plan includes techniques that involve restriction of individual rights or intrusive techniques, discuss with the service planning team to determine whether the techniques will be approved by the service planning team;
(6) if notified by the program provider that an individual or LAR has refused a comprehensive nursing assessment and that the program provider has determined that it cannot ensure the individual's health, safety, and welfare in the provision of community support, day habilitation, in-home day habilitation, employment readiness, employment assistance, supported employment, respite, or CFC PAS/HAB:
(A) inform the individual or LAR of the consequences and risks of refusing the assessment, including that the refusal will result in the individual not receiving:
(i) nursing services; or
(ii) community support, day habilitation, in-home day habilitation, employment readiness, employment assistance, supported employment, respite, or CFC PAS/HAB, if the individual needs one of those services and the program provider has determined that it cannot ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the individual in the provision of the service; and
(B) notify the program provider if the individual or LAR continues to refuse the assessment after the discussion with the service coordinator;
(7) inform the individual or LAR of decisions regarding denial, suspension, reduction, or termination of services and the individual's or LAR's right to request a fair hearing as described in § 262.601 of this chapter (relating to Fair Hearing); and
(8) in accordance with §262.501 (relating to Process for Individual to Transfer to a Different Program Provider or FMSA), manage the process to transfer an individual's TxHmL Program services and CFC services from one program provider to another or transfer from one FMSA to another.
(k) When a service coordinator becomes aware that a change to an individual's PDP or IPC may be needed, the service coordinator must discuss the need for the change with the individual or LAR, the individual's program provider, and other appropriate persons.
(l) At least 30 calendar days before the expiration of an individual's IPC, the service coordinator must:
(1) update the individual's PDP with the individual's service planning team; and
(2) if the individual receives a TxHmL Program service or a CFC service from a program provider, submit to the program provider and the individual or LAR:
(A) the updated PDP; and
(B) if CFC PAS/HAB is included on the PDP, a copy of the completed HHSC HCS/TxHmL CFC PAS/HAB Assessment form.
(m) A service coordinator must:
(1) complete the HHSC TxHmL Service Coordination Notification form with the individual or LAR and provide a copy of the completed form to the individual or LAR:
(A) upon receipt of HHSC approval of the enrollment of the individual;
(B) if the form is revised;
(C) at the request of the individual or LAR; and
(D) if one of the following occurs:
(i) the individual becomes 18 years of age;
(ii) a guardian is appointed for the individual; or
(iii) a guardianship for the individual ends; and
(2) retain a copy of the completed form in the individual's record.
(n) A service coordinator must conduct:
(1) a pre-move site review for an applicant 21 years of age or older who is enrolling in the TxHmL Program from a nursing facility or as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility; and
(2) post-move monitoring visits for an individual 21 years of age or older who enrolled in the TxHmL Program from a nursing facility or has enrolled in the TxHmL Program as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility.
(o) A service coordinator must have contact with an individual in person, by videoconferencing, or telephone to provide service coordination during a month in which it is anticipated that the individual will not receive a TxHmL Program service unless:
(1) the individual's TxHmL Program services have been suspended; or
(2) the service coordinator had an in-person contact with the individual that month to comply with § 331.11(d) of this title (relating to LIDDA's Responsibilities).
(p) In addition to the requirements described in Chapter 331 of this title (relating to LIDDA Service Coordination), a LIDDA must:
(1) comply with:
(A) this subchapter;
(B) Chapter 264 of this title; and
(C) Chapter 301, Subchapter M of this title (relating to Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in Local Authorities and Community Centers); and
(2) ensure that a rights protection officer, as required by § 334.113 of this title (relating to Rights Protection Officer at a State MR Facility or MRA), who receives a copy of an HHSC initial intake report or a final investigative report from an FMSA, in accordance with §264.702 of this title (relating to Requirements Related to HHSC Investigations When an Alleged Perpetrator is a Service Provider) or §264.703 of this title (relating to Requirements Related to HHSC Investigations When an Alleged Perpetrator is a Staff Person or a Controlling Person of an FMSA), gives a copy of the report to the individual's service coordinator.
(q) A service coordinator must:
(1) at least annually, in accordance with Chapter 264, Subchapter D of this title (relating to Enrollment, Transfer, Suspension, and Termination):
(A) inform the individual or LAR of the individual's right to participate in the CDS option; and
(B) inform the individual or LAR that the individual or LAR may choose to have one or more services provided through the CDS option, as described in §264.108 of this title (relating to Services Available Through the CDS Option); and
(2) document compliance with paragraph (1) of this subsection in the individual's record.
(r) If an individual or LAR chooses to participate in the CDS option, the service coordinator must:
(1) provide names and contact information to the individual or LAR of all FMSAs providing services in the LIDDA's local service area;
(2) document the individual's or LAR's choice of FMSA on HHSC Consumer Participation Choice form;
(3) document, in the individual's PDP, a description of the services provided through the CDS option; and
(4) develop with the individual or LAR and other members of the service planning team a transportation plan if an individual's PDP includes community support to be delivered through the CDS option.
(s) For an individual participating in the CDS option, a service coordinator must recommend that HHSC terminate the individual's participation in the CDS option if the service coordinator determines that:
(1) the individual's continued participation in the CDS option poses a significant risk to the individual's health, safety, or welfare; or
(2) the individual, LAR, or designated representative has not complied with Chapter 264, Subchapter B (relating to Responsibilities of Employers and Designated Representatives).
(t) To make a recommendation described in subsection (s) of this section, a service coordinator must submit the following documentation to HHSC:
(1) the services the individual receives through the CDS option;
(2) the reason why the recommendation is made;
(3) a description of the attempts to resolve the issues before making the recommendation; and
(4) any other supporting documentation, as appropriate.
(u) A service coordinator must do the following regarding responsibilities related to EVV:
(1) for an applicant who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or through the CDS option:
(A) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the applicant or LAR;
(B) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;
(C) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;
(D) perform the activities described in subparagraph (A) - (C) of this paragraph before the individual's enrollment; and
(E) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record;
(2) for an individual who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or who is transferring to another program provider or LIDDA and will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or through the CDS option:
(A) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the individual or LAR;
(B) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;
(C) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;
(D) perform the activities described in subparagraphs (A)-(C) of this paragraph on or before the effective date of the transfer to another program provider or LIDDA; and
(E) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record; and
(3) for an individual who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV through the CDS option or who will transfer to another FMSA and is receiving a service requiring the use of EVV:
(A) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the individual or LAR;
(B) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;
(C) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;
(D) perform the activities described in subparagraphs (A)-(C) of this paragraph before the individual receives the EVV required service through the CDS option or on or before the effective date of the transfer to another FMSA; and
(E) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record.
(v) If notified by a program provider that a requirement described in § 262.202 (d)(1) of this chapter (relating to Requirements for Home and Community-Based Settings), needs to be modified, a service coordinator must update the individual's PDP to include the following:
(1) a description of the specific and individualized assessed need that justifies the modification;
(2) a description of the positive interventions and supports that were tried but did not work;
(3) a description of the less intrusive methods of meeting the need that were tried but did not work;
(4) a description of the condition that is directly proportionate to the specific assessed need;
(5) a description of how data will be routinely collected and reviewed to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the modification;
(6) the established time limits for periodic reviews to determine if the modification is still necessary or can be terminated;
(7) the individual's or LAR's signature evidencing informed consent to the modification; and
(8) the program provider's assurance that the modification will cause no harm to the individual.

26 Tex. Admin. Code § 262.701

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 08, February 24, 2023, TexReg 1076, eff. 3/1/2023; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 49, Number 51, December 20, 2024, TexReg 10365, eff. 1/1/2025