- Section 193.1 - Purpose
- Section 193.2 - Definitions
- Section 193.3 - Exclusion from the Provisions of this Chapter
- Section 193.4 - Scope of Standing Delegation Orders
- Section 193.5 - Physician Liability for Delegated Acts and Enforcement
- Section 193.6 - Delegation of Prescribing and Ordering Drugs and Devices
- Section 193.7 - Prescriptive Authority Agreements Generally
- Section 193.9 - Delegation of Prescriptive Authority at a Facility-Based Practice Site
- Section 193.10 - Registration of Delegation and Prescriptive Authority Agreements
- Section 193.11 - Prescription Forms
- Section 193.12 - Prescriptive Authority Agreement Inspections
- Section 193.13 - Delegation to Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists
- Section 193.14 - Delegation Related to Obstetrical Services
- Section 193.15 - Delegated Drug Therapy Management
- Section 193.16 - Delegated Administration of Immunizations or Vaccinations by a Pharmacist under Written Protocol
- Section 193.17 - Nonsurgical Medical Cosmetic Procedures
- Section 193.18 - Pronouncement of Death
- Section 193.19 - Collaborative Management of Glaucoma
- Section 193.20 - Immunization of Persons Over 65 by Physicians' Offices