Chapter 183 - ACUPUNCTURE
- Section 183.1 - Purpose
- Section 183.2 - Definitions
- Section 183.3 - Meetings
- Section 183.4 - Licensure
- Section 183.5 - Biennial Renewal of License
- Section 183.6 - Denial of License; Discipline of Licensee
- Section 183.7 - Scope of Practice
- Section 183.8 - Investigations
- Section 183.9 - Impaired Acupuncturists
- Section 183.10 - Patient Records
- Section 183.11 - Complaint Procedure Notification
- Section 183.12 - Medical Board Review and Approval
- Section 183.13 - Construction
- Section 183.14 - Acudetox Specialist
- Section 183.15 - Use of Professional Titles
- Section 183.16 - Texas Acupuncture Schools
- Section 183.17 - Compliance
- Section 183.18 - Administrative Penalties
- Section 183.19 - Acupuncture Advertising
- Section 183.20 - Continuing Acupuncture Education
- Section 183.21 - Continuing Auricular Acupuncture Education for Acudetox Specialists
- Section 183.22 - Language Requirements
- Section 183.23 - Voluntary Surrender of Acupuncture License
- Section 183.24 - Procedure
- Section 183.25 - Inactive Status License
- Section 183.26 - Retired License
- Section 183.27 - Exemption from Licensure for Certain Military Spouses