(a) The advisory committee shall meet as requested by the board to carry out the mandates of the Act.(b) A meeting may be held by telephone conference call.(c) Special meetings may be called by the president of the board, upon written request by the presiding officer of the committee signed by at least three members of the committee.(d) Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, the advisory committee is subject to Chapters 551, 552, and 1601 of the Texas Government Code.(e) A majority of advisory committee members constitutes a quorum for all purposes, except when advisory committee members are participating in a proceeding of the board as described by Texas Occupations Code § 602.151(b).(f) Advisory committee meetings shall, to the extent possible, be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised unless, by rule, the board adopts a different procedure.(g) All issues requiring a vote of the committee shall be decided by a simple majority of the members present.22 Tex. Admin. Code § 160.3
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 27, July 1, 2016, TexReg 4819, eff. 7/7/2016