Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 291.72 - DefinitionsThe following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Accurately as prescribed--Distributing and/or delivering a medication drug order: (A) to the correct patient (or agent of the patient) for whom the drug or device was prescribed;(B) with the correct drug in the correct strength, quantity, and dosage form ordered by the practitioner; and(C) with correct labeling as ordered by the practitioner and required by rule.(2) Act--The Texas Pharmacy Act, Chapters 551 - 566 and 568 - 569, Occupations Code, as amended.(3) Administer--The direct application of a prescription drug by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or any other means to the body of a patient by:(A) a practitioner, an authorized agent under his supervision, or other person authorized by law; or(B) the patient at the direction of a practitioner.(4) Automated compounding or counting device--An automated device that compounds, measures, counts and/or packages a specified quantity of dosage units of a designated drug product.(5) Automated medication supply system--A mechanical system that performs operations or activities relative to the storage and distribution of medications for administration and which collects, controls, and maintains all transaction information.(6) Board--The State Board of Pharmacy.(7) Clinical Pharmacy Program--An ongoing program in which pharmacists are on duty during the time the pharmacy is open for pharmacy services and pharmacists provide direct focused, medication-related care for the purpose of optimizing patients' medication therapy and achieving definite outcomes, which includes the following activities: (A) prospective medication therapy consultation, selection, and adjustment;(B) monitoring laboratory values and therapeutic drug monitoring;(C) identifying and resolving medication-related problems; and(D) disease state management.(8) Confidential record--Any health-related record that contains information that identifies an individual and that is maintained by a pharmacy or pharmacist, such as a patient medication record, prescription drug order, or medication drug order.(9) Consultant pharmacist--A pharmacist retained by a facility on a routine basis to consult with the facility in areas that pertain to the practice of pharmacy.(10) Controlled substance--A drug, immediate precursor, or other substance listed in Schedules I - V or Penalty Groups 1 - 4 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act, as amended, or a drug, immediate precursor, or other substance included in Schedules I - V of the Federal Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, as amended (Public Law 91-513).(11) Dangerous drug--A drug or device that:(A) is not included in Penalty Group 1, 2, 3, or 4, Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, and is unsafe for self-medication; or(B) bears or is required to bear the legend:(i) "Caution: federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription" or "Rx only" or another legend that complies with federal law; or(ii) "Caution: federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian."(12) Device--An instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including any component part or accessory, that is required under federal or state law to be ordered or prescribed by a practitioner.(13) Direct copy--Electronic copy or carbonized copy of a medication order, including a facsimile (FAX) or digital image.(14) Dispense--Preparing, packaging, compounding, or labeling for delivery a prescription drug or device in the course of professional practice to an ultimate user or his agent by or pursuant to the lawful order of a practitioner.(15) Distribute--The delivery of a prescription drug or device other than by administering or dispensing.(16) Distributing pharmacist--The pharmacist who checks the medication order prior to distribution.(17) Downtime--Period of time during which a data processing system is not operable.(18) Drug regimen review-- (A) An evaluation of medication orders and patient medication records for: (ii) rational therapy--contraindications;(iii) reasonable dose and route of administration;(iv) reasonable directions for use;(v) duplication of therapy;(vi) drug-drug interactions;(vii) drug-food interactions;(viii) drug-disease interactions;(ix) adverse drug reactions; and(x) proper utilization, including overutilization or underutilization.(B) The drug regimen review may be conducted prior to administration of the first dose (prospective) or after administration of the first dose (retrospective).(19) Electronic signature--A unique security code or other identifier which specifically identifies the person entering information into a data processing system. A facility which utilizes electronic signatures must:(A) maintain a permanent list of the unique security codes assigned to persons authorized to use the data processing system; and(B) have an ongoing security program which is capable of identifying misuse and/or unauthorized use of electronic signatures.(20) Expiration date--The date (and time, when applicable) beyond which a product should not be used.(21) Facility-- (A) a hospital or other patient facility that is licensed under Chapter 241 or 577, Health and Safety Code;(B) a hospice patient facility that is licensed under Chapter 142, Health and Safety Code;(C) an ambulatory surgical center licensed under Chapter 243, Health and Safety Code; or(D) a hospital maintained or operated by the state.(22) Floor stock--Prescription drugs or devices not labeled for a specific patient and maintained at a nursing station or other hospital department (excluding the pharmacy) for the purpose of administration to a patient of the facility.(23) Formulary--List of drugs approved for use in the facility by the committee which performs the pharmacy and therapeutics function for the facility.(24) Full-time pharmacist--A pharmacist who works in a pharmacy from 30 to 40 hours per week or if the pharmacy is open less than 60 hours per week, one-half of the time the pharmacy is open.(25) Hard copy--A physical document that is readable without the use of a special device (i.e., data processing system, computer, etc).(26) Hot water--The temperature of water from the pharmacy's sink maintained at a minimum of 105 degrees F (41 degrees C).(27) Institutional pharmacy--Area or areas in a facility where drugs are stored, bulk compounded, delivered, compounded, dispensed, and distributed to other areas or departments of the facility, or dispensed to an ultimate user or his or her agent.(28) Investigational new drug--New drug intended for investigational use by experts qualified to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the drug as authorized by the Food and Drug Administration.(29) Medical Practice Act--The Texas Medical Practice Act, Subtitle B, Occupations Code, as amended.(30) Medication order--A written order from a practitioner or a verbal order from a practitioner or his authorized agent for administration of a drug or device.(31) Number of beds--The total number of beds is determined by the: (A) number of beds for which the hospital is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services; or(B) average daily census as calculated by dividing the total number of inpatients admitted during the previous calendar year by 365 (or 366 if the previous calendar year is a leap year).(32) Part-time pharmacist--A pharmacist either employed or under contract, who routinely works less than full-time.(33) Patient--A person who is receiving services at the facility (including patients receiving ambulatory procedures and patients conditionally admitted as observation patients), or who is receiving long term care services or Medicare extended care services in a swing bed on the hospital premise or an adjacent, readily accessible facility that is under the authority of the hospital's governing body. For the purposes of this definition, the term "long term care services" means those services received in a skilled nursing facility which is a distinct part of the hospital and the distinct part is not licensed separately or formally approved as a nursing home by the state, even though it is designated or certified as a skilled nursing facility. A patient includes a person confined in any correctional institution operated by the state of Texas.(34) Perpetual inventory--An inventory which documents all receipts and distributions of a drug product, such that an accurate, current balance of the amount of the drug product present in the pharmacy is indicated.(35) Pharmaceutical care--The provision of drug therapy and other pharmaceutical services intended to assist in the cure or prevention of a disease, elimination or reduction of a patient's symptoms, or arresting or slowing of a disease process.(36) Pharmacist-in-charge--Pharmacist designated on a pharmacy license as the pharmacist who has the authority or responsibility for a pharmacy's compliance with laws and rules pertaining to the practice of pharmacy.(37) Pharmacy and therapeutics function--Committee of the medical staff in the facility which assists in the formulation of broad professional policies regarding the evaluation, selection, distribution, handling, use, and administration, and all other matters relating to the use of drugs and devices in the facility.(38) Pharmacy technician--An individual who is registered with the board as a pharmacy technician and whose responsibility in a pharmacy is to provide technical services that do not require professional judgment regarding preparing and distributing drugs and who works under the direct supervision of and is responsible to a pharmacist.(39) Pharmacy technician trainee--An individual who is registered with the board as a pharmacy technician trainee and is authorized to participate in a pharmacy's technician training program.(40) Pre-packaging--The act of re-packaging and re-labeling quantities of drug products from a manufacturer's original container into unit-dose packaging or a multiple dose container for distribution within the facility except as specified in § 291.74(f)(3)(B) of this title (relating to Operational Standards).(41) Prescription drug-- (A) A substance for which federal or state law requires a prescription before it may be legally dispensed to the public;(B) A drug or device that under federal law is required, prior to being dispensed or delivered, to be labeled with either of the following statements: (i) Caution: federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription or "Rx only" or another legend that complies with federal law; or(ii) Caution: federal law restricts this drug to use by or on order of a licensed veterinarian; or(C) A drug or device that is required by any applicable federal or state law or regulation to be dispensed on prescription only or is restricted to use by a practitioner only.(42) Prescription drug order-- (A) a written order from a practitioner or a verbal order from a practitioner or his authorized agent to a pharmacist for a drug or device to be dispensed; or(B) a written order or a verbal order pursuant to Subtitle B, Chapter 157, Occupations Code.(43) Rural hospital--A licensed hospital with 75 beds or fewer that: (A) is located in a county with a population of 50,000 or less as defined by the United States Census Bureau in the most recent U.S. census; or(B) has been designated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as a critical access hospital, rural referral center, or sole community hospital.(44) Sample--A prescription drug which is not intended to be sold and is intended to promote the sale of the drug.(45) Supervision-- (A) Physically present supervision--In a Class C pharmacy, a pharmacist shall be physically present to directly supervise pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees.(B) Electronic supervision--In a Class C pharmacy in a facility with 100 beds or less, a pharmacist licensed in Texas may electronically supervise pharmacy technicians or pharmacy technician trainees to perform the duties specified in § 291.73(e)(2) of this title (relating to Personnel) provided: (i) the pharmacy uses a system that monitors the data entry of medication orders and the filling of such orders by an electronic method that shall include the use of one or more the following types of technology: (I) digital interactive video, audio, or data transmission;(II) data transmission using computer imaging by way of still-image capture and store and forward; and(III) other technology that facilitates access to pharmacy services;(ii) the pharmacy establishes controls to protect the privacy and security of confidential records;(iii) the pharmacist responsible for the duties performed by a pharmacy technician or pharmacy technician trainee verifies: (II) the accuracy of the filled orders prior to release of the order; and(iv) the pharmacy keeps permanent digital records of duties electronically supervised and data transmissions associated with electronically supervised duties for a period of two years.(C) If the conditions of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph are met, electronic supervision shall be considered the equivalent of direct supervision for the purposes of the Act.(46) Tech-Check-Tech--Allowing a pharmacy technician to verify the accuracy of work performed by another pharmacy technician relating to the filling of floor stock and unit dose distribution systems for a patient admitted to the hospital if the patient's orders have previously been reviewed and approved by a pharmacist.(47) Texas Controlled Substances Act--The Texas Controlled Substances Act, the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 481, as amended.(48) Unit-dose packaging--The ordered amount of drug in a dosage form ready for administration to a particular patient, by the prescribed route at the prescribed time, and properly labeled with name, strength, and expiration date of the drug.(49) Unusable drugs--Drugs or devices that are unusable for reasons, such as they are adulterated, misbranded, expired, defective, or recalled.(50) Written protocol--A physician's order, standing medical order, standing delegation order, or other order or protocol as defined by rule of the Texas Medical Board under the Texas Medical Practice Act Subtitle B, Chapter 157, Occupations Code.22 Tex. Admin. Code § 291.72
The provisions of this §291.72 adopted to be effective April 23, 1982, 7 TexReg 1469; amended to be effective December 18, 1985, 10 TexReg 4694; amended to be effective May 27, 1988, 13 TexReg 2251; amended to be effective February 1, 1989, 14 TexReg 453; amended to be effective October 27, 1989, 14 TexReg 5494; amended to be effective September 5, 1990, 15 TexReg 4810; amended to be effective September 30, 1993, 18 TexReg 6460; amended to be effective March 16, 1995, 20 TexReg 1543; amended to be effective March 21, 1996, 21 TexReg 2242; amended to be effective April 7, 1997, 22 TexReg 3106; amended to be effective September 16, 1999, 24 TexReg 7265; amended to beeffective June 4, 2000, 25 TexReg 4816; amended to be effective August 31, 2000, 25 TexReg 8406; amended to be effective March 7, 2001, 26 TexReg 1865; amended to be effective March 4, 2004, 29 TexReg 2000; amended to be effective June 6, 2004, 29 TexReg 5376; amended to be effective September 18, 2007, 32 TexReg 6333; amended to be effective September 7, 2008, 33 TexReg 7241; amended to be effective September 20, 2009, 34 TexReg 6323; amended to be effective March 11, 2010, 35 TexReg 2005; amended to be effective May 30, 2010, 35 TexReg 4177; amended to be effective December 7, 2010, 35 TexReg 10693; amended by Texas Register, Volume 39, Number 48, November 28, 2014, TexReg 9355, eff. 12/7/2014