- Section 279.1 - Contact Lens Examination
- Section 279.2 - Contact Lens Prescriptions
- Section 279.3 - Spectacle Examination
- Section 279.4 - Spectacle and Ophthalmic Devices Prescriptions
- Section 279.5 - Dispensing Ophthalmic Materials
- Section 279.9 - Advertising
- Section 279.10 - Professional Identification
- Section 279.11 - Relationship with Dispensing Optician - Books and Records
- Section 279.12 - Relationship with Dispensing Optician - Separation of Offices
- Section 279.13 - Professional Responsibility for Off-Site Examinations
- Section 279.14 - Patient Files
- Section 279.15 - Practice with Contagious or Infectious Disease.
- Section 279.16 - Telehealth Services