Chapter 35 - ENFORCEMENT
- Section 35.1 - Reporting a Breach of the Peace
- Section 35.2 - Physical Inspection of Licensed and Permitted Premises
- Section 35.3 - Risk-Based Inspection of Licensed and Permitted Premises
- Section 35.4 - Possession and Sale of Firearms on Licensed Premises
- Subchapter A - [Repealed] TRANSPORTATION OF LIQUOR (§ 35.7)
- Subchapter B - [Repealed] PROHIBITED EQUIPMENT (§ 35.11)
- Subchapter C - [Repealed] MINORS (§ 35.21)
- Subchapter D - PLACE OR MANNER (§§ 35.31 — 35.32)
- Subchapter E - [Repealed] DEFINITIONS (§ 35.41)
- Subchapter F - [Repealed] INSPECTIONS (§§ 35.50 — 35.51)