Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 25.487 - Obligations Related to Move-In Transactions(a) Applicability. This section applies to all retail electric providers (REPs).(b) Definition. For this section, the term "safety-net process" means a process developed and implemented by the market participants in the Texas retail electric market in 2002 to ensure that a customer who moves into a premise receives electric service in a timely manner. The safety-net process should be used for legitimate purposes and not to bypass standard rules and processes.(c) Standard move-in request. A REP shall submit a move-in transaction to the registration agent electronically, in accordance with applicable protocols and guidelines of the independent organization to establish service for a new customer.(d) Safety-net move-in request. In the event a REP does not receive a confirmation that the transmission and distribution utility (TDU) has received the appropriate move-in request transaction from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), and does not receive a valid move-in rejection, the REP shall submit the move-in request using the safety-net process by noon on the business day prior to the customer's move-in date. (1) In submitting a move-in request using the safety-net process, the REP establishes its right to serve the customer at the premise identified by the electric service identifier (ESI ID) from the date the TDU executes the move-in by connecting service to the premise. The date the TDU executes the move-in by connecting service to the premise is the effective date for all wires charges and fees associated with that ESI ID. This date will also be the effective date for the move-in when the applicable move-in electronic transactions are processed. The TDU may bill monthly wires charges and fees to the REP commencing with the effective date, but may not issue wires charges and fees or consumption records until the REP submits the electronic transaction.(2) The REP shall ensure that the standard electronic move-in transaction is submitted to ERCOT in accordance with applicable protocols on or before the fifth business day after submitting the move-in through the safety net process, even if the physical move-in has already taken place as a result of being submitted through the safety net process. The REP, ERCOT, and the TDU shall work to ensure that the appropriate premise information and enrollment response transaction is sent to and received by the new REP and that the appropriate drop (due to switch request) transaction is sent to the losing REP of record as shown in ERCOT's systems.(e) Sunset provision for review of safety-net process. By March 1, 2004, the commission shall, after input provided by market participants, review the safety-net process and determine whether it should be continued.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 25.487
The provisions of this §25.487 adopted to be effective August 4, 2003, 28 TexReg 6005