Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 25.474 - Selection of Retail Electric Provider(a) Applicability. This section applies to retail electric providers (REPs) and aggregators seeking to enroll applicants or customers for retail electric service. In addition, where specifically stated, this section applies to transmission and distribution utilities (TDUs) and the registration agent.(b) Purpose. The provisions of this section establish procedures for enrollment of applicants or customers by a REP and ensure that all applicants and customers in this state are protected from an unauthorized switch from the applicant's or customer's REP of choice or an unauthorized move-in. A contested switch in providers shall be presumed to be unauthorized unless the REP provides proof, in accordance with the requirements of this section, of the applicant's or customer's authorization and verification.(c) Initial REP selection process. (1) In conjunction with the commission's customer education campaign, the commission may issue to customers for whom customer choice will be available an explanation of the REP selection process. The customer education information issued by the commission may include, but is not limited to: (A) an explanation of retail electric competition;(B) a list of all REPs certified to provide electric service to the customer;(C) a form that allows the customer to contact or select one or more of the listed REPs from which the customer desires to receive information or to be contacted; and(D) information on how a customer may designate whether the customer would like to be placed on the statewide Do Not Call List and indicate the fee for such placement.(2) Any affiliated REP assigned to serve a customer that is entitled to receive the price-to-beat rate, pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA) §39.202(a), shall issue to a customer, either as a bill insert or through a separate mailing, no later than 30 days after the commencement of customer choice: (A) A terms of service document that includes an explanation of the price-to-beat rate;(B) Your Rights as a Customer disclosure; and(C) An Electricity Facts Label for the price to beat, which may, at the discretion of the REP, be in a separate document or contained in the terms of service document.(3) An electric utility whose successor affiliated REP will continue to serve customers not eligible for the price-to-beat rate, pursuant to PURA §39.102(b), shall issue to the customer a terms of service document on a date prescribed by the commission. Such a document shall contain an explanation of the price the customer will be charged by the affiliated REP.(d) Enrollment via the Internet. For enrollments of applicants via the Internet, a REP or aggregator shall obtain authorization and verification of the move-in or switch request from the applicant in accordance with this subsection. (1) The website (or websites) shall clearly and conspicuously identify the legal name of the aggregator and its registration number to provide aggregation services or REP and its certification number to sell retail electric service, its address, and telephone number.(2) The website shall include a means of transfer of information, such as electronic enrollment, renewal, and cancellation information between the applicant or customer and the REP or aggregator that is an encrypted transaction using Secure Socket Layer or similar encryption standard to ensure the privacy of customer information.(3) The website shall include an explanation that a move-in or a switch can only be made by the electric service applicant or the applicant's authorized agent.(4) The entire enrollment process shall be in plain, easily understood language. The entire enrollment shall be the same language. Nothing in this section is meant to prohibit REPs or aggregators from utilizing multiple enrollment procedures or websites to conduct enrollments in multiple languages.(5) Required authorization disclosures. Prior to requesting confirmation of the move-in or switch request, a REP or aggregator shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the following information: (A) the name of the new REP;(B) the name of the specific electric service package or plan for which the applicant's assent is attained;(C) the ability of an applicant to select to receive information in English, Spanish, or the language used in the marketing of service to the applicant. The REP or aggregator shall provide a means of documenting a customer's language preference;(D) the price of the product or plan, including the total price stated in cents per kilowatt-hour, for electric service;(E) term or length of the term of service;(F) the presence or absence of early termination fees or penalties, and applicable amounts;(G) any requirement to pay a deposit and the estimated amount of that deposit, or the method in which the deposit will be calculated. An affiliated REP or provider of last resort (POLR) shall also notify the applicant of the right to post a letter of guarantee in lieu of a deposit in accordance with §RSA 25.478<subdiv>(i)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Credit Requirements and Deposits);(H) any fees to the applicant for switching to the REP pursuant to subsection (n) of this section;(I) in the case of a switch request, the applicant's right, pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, to review and rescind the terms of service within three federal business days, after receiving the terms of service, without penalty;(J) a statement that the applicant will receive a copy of the terms of service document via email or, upon request, via regular US mail, that will explain all the terms of the agreement and how to exercise the right of rescission, if applicable; and(K) if the customer is being enrolled for prepaid service as defined by §RSA 25.498<subdiv>(b)(7)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Prepaid Service), that the customer will not receive a bill and may request a summary of usage and payment.(6) The applicant shall be required to check a box affirming that the applicant has read and understands the disclosures and terms of service required by paragraph (5) of this subsection.(7) The REP or aggregator shall provide access to the complete terms of service document that is being agreed to by the applicant on the website such that the applicant may review the terms of service prior to enrollment. A prompt shall also be provided for the applicant to print or save the terms of service document to which the applicant assents, and shall inform the application of the option to request that a written copy of the terms of service document be sent by regular U.S. mail by contacting the REP.(8) The REP or aggregator shall also provide a toll-free telephone number, Internet website address, and e-mail address for contacting the REP or aggregator throughout the duration of the applicant's or customer's agreement. The REP or aggregator shall also provide the appropriate toll-free telephone number that the customer can use to report service outages.(9) Applicant authorizations shall adhere to any state and federal guidelines governing the use of electronic signatures.(10) Verification of authorization for Internet enrollment. Prior to final verification by the applicant of enrollment with the REP or aggregator, the REP or aggregator shall: (A) obtain or confirm the applicant's email address, billing name, billing address, service address, and name of any authorized representative;(B) obtain or confirm the applicant's electric service identifier (ESI-ID), if available;(C) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant has decided to establish new service or change from the current REP to the new REP;(D) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant designates the new REP to perform the necessary tasks to complete a switch or move in for the applicant's service with the new REP; and(E) obtain or confirm one of the following account access verification data: last four digits of the social security number, mother's maiden name, city or town of birth, month and day of birth, driver's license or government issued identification number. For non-residential applicants, the REP may obtain the applicant's federal tax identification number.(11) After enrollment, the REP or aggregator shall send a confirmation, by email, of the applicant's request to select the REP. The confirmation email shall include: (A) in the case of a switch, a clear and conspicuous notice of the applicant's right, pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, to review and rescind the terms of service within three federal business days, after receiving the terms of service without penalty and offer the applicant the option of exercising this right by toll-free number, email, Internet website, facsimile transmission or regular mail. This notice shall be accessible to the applicant without need to open an attachment or link to any other document; and(B) the terms of service and Your Rights as a Customer documents. These may be documents attached to the confirmation email, or the REP or aggregator may include a link to an Internet webpage containing the documents.(e) Written enrollment. For enrollments of customers via a written letter of authorization (LOA), a REP or aggregator shall obtain authorization and verification of the switch or move-in request from the applicant in accordance with this subsection. (1) All LOAs for move-in or switch orders shall be in plain, easily understood language. The entire enrollment shall be in the same language.(2) The LOA shall be a separate or easily separable document containing the requirements prescribed by this subsection for the sole purpose of authorizing the REP to initiate a switch request. The LOA is not valid unless it is signed and dated by the customer requesting the move-in or switch.(3) The LOA may contain a description of inducements associated with enrolling with the REP; however, the actual inducement itself shall not be either included on or as part of the LOA, or constitute the LOA by itself.(4) The LOA shall be legible and shall contain clear and unambiguous language.(5) Required authorization disclosures. The LOA shall disclose the following information: (A) the name of the new REP;(B) the name of the specific electric service package or plan for which the applicant's assent is attained;(C) the ability of an applicant to select to receive information in English, Spanish, or the language used in the marketing of service to the applicant. The REP shall provide a means of documenting an applicant's language preference;(D) the price of the product or plan, including the total price stated in cents per kilowatt-hour, for electric service;(E) term or length of the term of service;(F) the presence or absence of early termination fees or penalties, and applicable amounts;(G) any requirement to pay a deposit and the estimated amount of that deposit, or the method in which the deposit will be calculated. An affiliated REP or POLR shall also notify the applicant of the right to post a letter of guarantee in lieu of a deposit in accordance with §RSA 25.478<subdiv>(i)</subdiv> of this title;(H) any fees to the applicant for switching to the REP pursuant to subsection (n) of this section;(I) in the case of a switch, the applicant's right, pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, to review and rescind the terms of service within three federal business days, after receiving the terms of service, without penalty;(J) a statement that the applicant will receive a written copy of the terms of service document that will explain all the terms of the agreement and how to exercise the right of rescission, if applicable; and(K) if the customer is being enrolled for prepaid service as defined by §RSA 25.498<subdiv>(b)(7)</subdiv> of this title, that the customer will not receive a bill and may request a summary of usage and payment.(6) Verification of authorization of written enrollment. A REP or aggregator shall, as part of the LOA: (A) obtain or confirm the applicant's billing name, billing address, and service address;(B) obtain or confirm the applicant's ESI-ID, if available;(C) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant has decided to establish new service or change from their current REP to the new REP;(D) affirmatively inquire whether the applicant designates the new REP to perform the necessary tasks to complete a switch or move in for the applicant's service with the new REP; and(E) obtain one of the following account access verification data: last four digits of the social security number, mother's maiden name, city or town of birth, month and day of birth, driver's license or government issued identification number. For non-residential applicants, the REP may obtain the applicant's federal tax identification number.(7) The following LOA form meets the requirements of this subsection if modified as appropriate for the requirements of paragraph (5)(G) of this subsection. Other versions may be used, but shall contain all the information and disclosures required by this subsection. Attached Graphic
(8) Before obtaining a signature from a customer, a REP shall: (A) provide to the applicant a reasonable opportunity to read the terms of service, Electricity Facts Label, Prepaid Disclosure Statement (PDS), if applicable, and any written materials accompanying the terms of service document; and(B) answer any questions posed by any applicant about information contained in the documents.(9) Upon obtaining the applicant's signature, a REP or aggregator shall immediately provide the applicant a legible copy of the signed LOA, and shall distribute or mail the terms of service document, Electricity Facts Label, PDS, if applicable, and Your Rights as a Customer disclosure. If a written solicitation by a REP contains the terms of service document, any tear-off portion that is submitted by the applicant to the REP to obtain electric service shall allow the applicant to retain the terms of service document.(10) The applicant's signature on the LOA shall constitute an authorization of the move-in or switch request if the LOA complies with the provisions of this section and the terms of service comply with the requirements of §RSA 25.475<subdiv>(d)</subdiv> of this title (relating to General Retail Electric Provider Requirements and Information Disclosures to Residential and Small Commercial Customers).(f) Enrollment via door-to-door sales. A REP or aggregator that engages in door-to-door marketing at an applicant's or customer's residence shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Solicitation requirements. A REP or aggregator that engages in door-to-door marketing at an applicant's residence shall comply with the following requirements: (A) The REP or aggregator shall provide the disclosures required by this section and the three-day right of rescission required by the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule Concerning Cooling Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations (16 C.F.R. Part 429).(B) The individual who represents the REP or aggregator shall wear a clear and conspicuous identification of the REP or aggregator on the front of the individual's outer clothing or on an identification badge worn by the individual. In addition, the individual shall wear an identification badge that includes the individual's name and photograph, the REP or aggregator's certification or registration number, and a toll-free telephone number maintained by the REP or aggregator that the applicant may call to verify the door-to-door representative's identity during specified business hours. The company name displayed shall conform to the name on the REP's certification or aggregator's registration obtained from the commission and the name that appears on all of the REP's or aggregator's contracts and terms of service documents in possession of the individual.(C) The REP or aggregator shall affirmatively state that it is not a representative of the applicant's transmission and distribution utility or any other REP or aggregator. The REP's or aggregator's clothing and sales presentation shall be designed to avoid the impression by a reasonable person that the individual represents the applicant's transmission and distribution utility or any other REP or aggregator.(D) The REP or aggregator shall not represent that an applicant or customer is required to switch service in order to continue to receive power.(E) Door-to-door representatives shall adhere to all local city/subdivision guidelines concerning door-to-door solicitation.(2) Use of a portable electronic device (PED) in door-to-door sales. A REP or aggregator may use a PED to conduct door-to-door sales at an applicant's or customer's residence. For the purpose of this section, a PED is defined as a nonstationary light-weight, electrically-powered device that is capable of communications, data storage and processing, and accessing, directly or indirectly, the REP or aggregator network. Examples of PEDs include, but are not limited to: laptop computers, tablets, tablet computers, personal digital assistants, and smart phones. (A) The REP or aggregator is responsible for ensuring that the PED complies with the requirements of this section.(B) The PED shall be owned, rented, or leased by the REP, aggregator, or third-party vendor retained by the REP or aggregator. The PED shall not be owned by an individual employee of the REP, aggregator, or vendor that has been retained by the REP or aggregator.(C) The entire enrollment process shall be in plain, easily understood language, and be consistent with the requirements of § RSA 25.473 of this title (relating to Non-English Language Requirements.) The entire solicitation and enrollment process shall be conducted in the same language. The REP or aggregator shall provide a means of documenting the applicant's language preference.(D) All information disclosed to the applicant or customer on the PED must be easily readable and clearly disclosed.(E) The PED shall: (i) be secure from unauthorized access;(ii) have the means to protect any applicant and customer data should the device be lost or stolen, such as for example, remote data wipe capabilities; and(iii) have enabled mobile locating and tracking capabilities that allows the REP or aggregator to track the time and location of each customer enrollment, subject to the availability of industry standard communications signals such as cellular or Wi-Fi at the specific time of enrollment.(F) Any applicant or customer specific information entered into the PED shall be transferred within one business day to the REP or aggregator's systems using Secure Socket Layer or similar encryption standard to ensure privacy of applicant or customer information. Once the transfer of data has been verified, any such applicant or customer specific information retained on the PED shall be removed.(G) The REP or aggregator is responsible for the protection of all applicant or customer information.(3) Required authorization disclosures. Prior to requesting verification of the applicant's authorization to enroll, a REP or aggregator shall comply with all of the authorization disclosure requirements in either subsections (e)(5) or (h)(1) - (4) of this section. (A) A REP or aggregator may provide the disclosures required by subsection (e)(5) of this section using a PED; however, if an applicant expresses an inability to read or understand the disclosure information on the PED, the REP or aggregator shall either provide the required disclosures pursuant to subsection (e)(5) of this section in paper format, provide the disclosures pursuant to subsection (h)(1) - (4) of this section, or advise the applicant that they will not be able to complete enrollment.(B) If a REP or aggregator provides the disclosures using a PED, the REP or aggregator shall: (i) provide the applicant a reasonable opportunity to read the terms of service, Electricity Facts Label (EFL), Prepaid Disclosure statements (PDS), if applicable, and any written or electronic materials disclosed;(ii) accurately and truthfully answer any questions posed by the applicant about information contained in the documents;(iii) advise the applicant that if the applicant is under contract with another REP, termination fees for that contract may apply; and(iv) obtain an electronic signature from the applicant that adheres to Texas and federal guidelines or, alternatively, require unassisted direct entry of a uniquely identifiable input by the applicant affirming that the applicant has read and understands the disclosures, terms of service, EFL, PDS, if applicable, and all written or electronic materials disclosed prior to verification of authorization.(4) Verification of authorization for door-to-door enrollment. A REP, or an independent third party retained by the REP, shall telephonically obtain and record all required verification information from the applicant to verify the applicant's decision to enroll with the REP in accordance with this paragraph, unless verification is obtained using a PED as specified in paragraph (5) of this subsection. If verification is obtained using a PED as specified in paragraph (5) of this subsection, the REP or aggregator has the option, with applicant consent, to complete the verification of authorization requirement utilizing the process defined in paragraph (5) of this subsection. (A) Electronically record on audiotape, a wave sound file, or other recording device the entirety of an applicant's verification. The verification call shall comply with the requirements in subsection (h)(5) of this section.(B) Inform the applicant that the verification of authorization call is being recorded.(C) Verification shall be conducted in the same language as that used in the sales transaction and authorization.(D) Automated systems shall provide the applicant with the option of exiting the system and nullifying the enrollment at any time during the call.(E) A REP or its sales representative initiating a three-way call or a call through an automated verification system shall not participate in the verification process.(F) The REP shall not submit a move-in or switch request until it has obtained a recorded telephonic verification of the enrollment.(5) Verification of authorization for door-to-door enrollments using a PED. (A) The REP or aggregator shall obtain affirmation from the applicant that the applicant is authorized to perform the enrollment and consents to the enrollment being verified using a PED. If the applicant does not consent to the enrollment being verified using a PED or expresses an inability to read or understand the verification of authorization information on the PED at any time, the representative shall verify authorization of enrollment pursuant to paragraph (4) of this subsection or advise the applicant that they will not be able to complete enrollment.(B) If the applicant consents to verification being conducted using a PED, the REP or aggregator shall:(i) obtain or confirm the applicant's email address or other agreed upon means of communication, billing name, billing address, service address, and name of any authorized representative;(ii) obtain or confirm the applicant's electric service identifier (ESI-ID), if available;(iii) obtain or confirm at least one of the following account access verification data for the applicant: last four digits of the social security number, mother's maiden name, city or town of birth, month and day of birth, driver's license number or government issued identification number. For non-residential applicants, the REP may obtain the applicant's federal tax identification number; and(iv) obtain applicant's electronic signature that adheres to Texas and federal guidelines or, alternatively, require unassisted direct entry of a uniquely identifiable input by the applicant matching the input obtained pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection affirming that the customer or applicant is authorized to select or change REPs for the service address and authorizes the new REP to perform necessary tasks to complete a switch or move-in for the customer's or applicant's service with the new REP.(C) The REP shall not submit a move-in or switch request until it has obtained the applicant's verification of the enrollment.(D) After enrollment, the REP or aggregator shall send a confirmation by first class mail, email, or other agreed upon means of communication to the applicant of the applicant's request to select the REP. The REP or aggregator may assume that any delivery of the confirmation deposited first class within the United States Postal service will be received within three federal business days. The confirmation shall include: (i) a clear and conspicuous notice in the body of the confirmation of the customer's three-day right of rescission required by the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule Concerning Cooling Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or Certain Other Locations (16 C.F.R. Part 429). The notice shall state that the customer may exercise their right to rescission within three federal business days after receiving the terms of service without penalty and offer the customer the option of exercising this right by toll-free number, email, Internet website, facsimile transmission, or regular mail. If conveyed electronically, the notice shall be accessible to the applicant without need to open an attachment or link to any other document; and(ii) the terms of service document, EFL, PDS, if applicable, and Your Rights as a Customer disclosure, or links thereto.(6) Nothing in this subsection is intended to limit the use of PEDs in the context of other forms of enrollment to the extent those enrollments otherwise comply with the applicable rule requirements.(g) Personal solicitations other than door-to-door marketing. A REP or aggregator that engages in personal solicitation at a location other than a customer's residence (such as malls, fairs, or places of business) shall comply with all requirements for written enrollments and LOA requirements detailed in subsection (e) of this section. In addition, the REP or aggregator shall comply with the following additional requirements: (1) For transactions occurring at a place other than the REP or aggregator's place of business, the REP or aggregator shall provide the three-day right of rescission required by the Federal Trade Commission's Trade Regulation Rule Concerning Cooling-Off Period for Sales Made at Homes or at Certain Other Locations (16 C.F.R. Part 429).(2) For solicitations of residential customers, the individual who represents the REP or aggregator shall wear a clear and conspicuous identification of the REP or aggregator on the front of the individual's outer clothing or on an identification badge worn by the individual. The company name displayed shall conform to the name on the REP's certification or aggregator's registration obtained from the commission and the name that appears on all of the REP's or aggregator's contracts and terms of service documents in possession of the individual.(3) The individual who represents the REP or aggregator shall not state or imply that it is a representative of the customer's transmission and distribution utility or any other REP or aggregator. The REP's or aggregator's clothing and sales presentation shall be designed to avoid the impression by a reasonable person that the individual represents the applicant's transmission and distribution utility or any other REP or aggregator.(4) The REP or aggregator shall not represent that an applicant is required to switch service in order to continue to receive power.(h) Telephonic enrollment. For enrollments of applicants via telephone solicitation, a REP or aggregator shall obtain authorization and verification of the move-in or switch request from the applicant in accordance with this subsection. (1) A REP or aggregator shall electronically record on audio tape, a wave sound file, or other recording device the entirety of an applicant's authorization and verification. Automated systems shall provide the customers with either the option of speaking to a live person at any time during the call, or the option to exit the call and cancel the enrollment.(2) The REP or aggregator shall inform the customer that the authorization and verification portions of the call are being recorded.(3) Authorizations and verifications shall be conducted in the same language as that used in the sales transaction.(4) Required authorization disclosures. Prior to requesting verification of the move-in or switch request, a REP or aggregator shall clearly and conspicuously disclose the following information: (A) the name of the new REP;(B) the name of the specific electric service package or plan for which the applicant's assent is attained;(C) the price of the product or plan, including the total price stated in cents per kilowatt-hour, for electric service;(D) term or length of the term of service;(E) the presence or absence of early termination fees or penalties, and applicable amounts;(F) any requirement to pay a deposit and the estimated amount of that deposit, or the method in which the deposit will be calculated or the method in which the deposit will be calculated. An affiliated REP or POLR shall also notify the applicant of the right to post a letter of guarantee in lieu of a deposit in accordance with §RSA 25.478<subdiv>(i)</subdiv> of this title;(G) any fees to the applicant for switching to the REP pursuant to subsection (n) of this section;(H) in the case of a switch, the applicant's right, pursuant to subsection (j) of this section, to review and rescind the terms of service within three federal business days, after receiving the terms of service, without penalty;(I) a statement that the applicant will receive a written copy of the terms of service document that will explain all the terms of the agreement and how to exercise the right of rescission, if applicable; and(J) if the customer is being enrolled for prepaid service as defined by §RSA 25.498<subdiv>(b)(7)</subdiv> of this title, that the customer will not receive a bill and may request a summary of usage and payment.(5) Verification of authorization of telephonic enrollment. (A) A REP or aggregator shall electronically record on audio tape, a wave sound file, or other recording device the entirety of an applicant's verification of the authorization. The REP or aggregator shall inform the applicant that the verification call is being recorded.(B) Prior to final confirmation by the applicant that they wish to enroll with the REP, the REP shall, at a minimum: (i) obtain or confirm the applicant's billing name, billing address, and service address;(ii) obtain or confirm the applicant's ESI-ID, if available;(iii) for a move-in request, ask the applicant, "do you agree to become a customer with (REP) and allow (REP) to complete the tasks required to start your electric service?" and the applicant must answer affirmatively; or(iv) for a switch request, ask the applicant, "do you agree to become a (REP) customer and allow us to complete the tasks required to switch your electric service from your current REP to (REP)?" and the applicant must answer affirmatively;(v) ask the applicant, "do you want to receive information in English, Spanish (or the language used in the marketing of service to the applicant)?" The REP shall provide a means of documenting the applicant's language preference; and(vi) obtain or confirm one of the following account access verification data: last four digits of the social security number, mother's maiden name, city or town of birth, or month and day of birth, driver's license or government issued identification number. For non-residential applicants, a REP may obtain the applicant's federal tax identification number.(C) In the event the applicant does not consent to or does not provide any of the information listed in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, the enrollment shall be deemed invalid and the REP shall not submit a switch or move-in request for the applicant's service.(D) If a REP has solicited service for prepaid service, an actual pre-payment by a customer may be substituted for a telephonic verification, provided that the pre-payment is not taken at the time of the solicitation by the sales representative that has obtained the authorization from the customer, and the REP has obtained a written LOA from the customer and can produce documentation of the pre-payment. The REP shall not submit a move-in or switch request until it has received the prepayment from the customer.(i) Record retention. (1) A REP or aggregator shall maintain non-public records of each applicant's authorization and verification of enrollment for 24 months from the date of the REP's initial enrollment of the applicant and shall provide such records to the applicant, customer, or commission staff, upon request.(2) A REP or an aggregator shall submit copies of its sales script, terms of service document, and any other materials used to obtain a customer's authorization or verification to the commission staff upon request. In the event commission staff request documents under this subsection, the requested records must be delivered to the commission staff within 15 days of the written request, unless otherwise agreed to by commission staff.(3) In the event an applicant or customer disputes an enrollment or switch, the REP shall provide to the applicant or customer proof of the applicant's or customer's authorization within five business days of the request.(j) Right of rescission. A REP shall promptly provide the applicant with the terms of service document after the applicant has authorized the REP to provide service to the applicant and the authorization has been verified. For switch requests, the REP shall offer the applicant a right to rescind the terms of service without penalty or fee of any kind for a period of three federal business days after the applicant's receipt of the terms of service document. The provider may assume that any delivery of the terms of service document deposited first class with the United States Postal Service will be received by the applicant within three federal business days. Any REP receiving an untimely notice of rescission from the applicant shall inform the applicant that the applicant has a right to select another REP and may do so by contacting that REP. The REP shall also inform the applicant that the applicant will be responsible for charges from the REP for service provided until the applicant switches to another REP. The right of rescission is not applicable to an applicant requesting a move-in.(k) Submission of an applicant's switch or move-in request to the registration agent. A REP shall submit a move-in or switch request to the registration agent so that the move-in or switch will be processed on the approximate scheduled date agreed to by the applicant and as allowed by the tariff of the TDU, municipally owned utility, or electric cooperative. A REP shall submit an applicant's switch request to the registration agent as a standard switch. In the alternative, the REP shall submit an applicant's switch request as a self-selected switch if the applicant requests a specific date for a switch, consistent with the applicable transmission and distribution tariff. A REP may submit an applicant's switch request to the registration agent prior to the expiration of the rescission period prescribed by subsection (j) of this section, provided that if the customer makes a timely request to cancel service the REP shall take action to ensure that the switch is canceled or the customer is promptly returned to its chosen REP without inconvenience or additional cost to the customer. The applicant shall be informed of the approximate scheduled date that the applicant will begin receiving electric service from the REP, and of any delays in meeting that date, if known by the REP.(l) Duty of the registration agent. (1) When the registration agent receives a move-in or switch request from a REP, the registration agent shall process that request in accordance with this section and its protocols, to the extent that the protocols are consistent with this section. The registration agent shall send a switch notification notice to the applicant that shall: (A) be worded in English and Spanish consistent with §RSA 25.473<subdiv>(d)</subdiv> of this title (relating to Non-English Language Requirements);(B) identify the REP that initiated the switch request; and(C) provide the names and telephone numbers for the gaining and losing REP.(2) The registration agent shall direct the TDU to implement any switch, move-in, or transfer to the REP or the POLR in accordance with this section and its protocols.(m) Exemptions for certain transfers. The provisions of this section relating to authorization and right of rescission are not applicable when the applicant's or customer's electric service is: (1) transferred to the POLR pursuant to § RSA 25.43 of this title (relating to Provider of Last Resort (POLR)) when the customer's REP of record defaults or otherwise ceases to provide service. Nothing in this subsection implies that the customer is accepting a contract with the POLR for a specific term;(2) transferred to the competitive affiliate of the POLR pursuant to §RSA 25.43<subdiv>(o)</subdiv> of this title;(3) transferred to another REP in accordance with section § RSA 25.493 of this title (relating to Acquisition and Transfer of Customers from One Retail Electric Provider to Another); or(4) transferred from one premise to another premise without a change in REP and without a material change in the terms of service.(n) Fees. A REP, other than a municipally owned utility or an electric cooperative, shall not charge a fee to an applicant to switch to, select, or enroll with the REP unless an applicant without a Provisioned Advanced Meter requests an out-of-cycle meter read for the purpose of a self-selected switch. The registration agent shall not charge a fee to the end-use customer for the switch or enrollment process performed by the registration agent. The TDU shall not charge a fee for a review or adjustment described in subsection (p)(2) of this section. To the extent that the TDU assesses a REP a properly tariffed charge for connection of service, out-of-cycle meter read for self-selected switch requests, service order cancellations, or changes associated with the switching of service or the establishment of new service, any such fee may be passed on to the applicant or customer by the REP. A TDU shall not assess to a REP or an applicant any costs associated with a switch cancellation, including inadvertent gain fees, that results from the applicant's exercise of the three-day right of rescission. The TDU shall include such costs in the cost recovery mechanism described in subsection (o) of this section.(o) TDU cost recovery. The TDU may recover the reasonable costs associated with performing meter reads for purposes of a standard switch through one of the following two options at the TDU's discretion: (1) TDU costs associated with performing standard meter reads for the purpose of switches, to the extent not reflected in base rates, shall be considered costs incurred in deploying advanced metering functionality and are to be considered in setting a surcharge established under PURA § 39.107(h) and § RSA 25.130 of this title (relating to Advanced Metering). The costs shall be included in the annual reports filed pursuant to §RSA 25.130<subdiv>(k)(5)</subdiv> of this title as actual costs spent to date in the deployment of Advanced Metering Systems (AMS) and shall be considered in setting, reconciling and or updating the AMS surcharge pursuant to §RSA 25.130<subdiv>(k)</subdiv> of this title; or,(2) a TDU shall create a regulatory asset for the expenses associated with performing standard meter reads for the purpose of switches pursuant to this subsection. Upon review of reasonableness and necessity, a reasonable level of amortization of such a regulatory asset, including carrying charges, shall be included as a recoverable cost in the TDU's rates in its next rate case or such other rate recovery proceeding as deemed necessary.(p) Meter reads for the purpose of a standard switch. (1) Beginning December 1, 2009, a TDU shall perform actual, as opposed to estimated, meter reads for at least 80% of meter reads for the purpose of a standard switch in any given month, and at least 95% of meter reads for the purpose of a standard switch in any calendar year, exclusive of remote meter reads using advanced meters. Until December 1, 2009, a TDU may perform estimated meter reads for standard switch requests only for residential customers, exclusive of customers with meters that have remote read capability. A TDU shall use best efforts to perform as many actual reads as possible for standard switches.(2) Notwithstanding § RSA 25.214 of this title (relating to Terms and Conditions of Retail Delivery Service Provided by Investor Owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities), an estimated meter read for the purpose of a standard switch is not subject to adjustment, except as provided in subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph. A customer is obligated to pay a bill based upon an estimated meter read for the purpose of a switch, including any adjustment made pursuant to subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph. (A) The TDU shall adjust the estimated meter read if the losing REP's billed usage is greater than the total kilowatt-hours used by the customer in the TDU monthly meter read cycle during which the estimate was made.(B) Only upon the receipt of a customer dispute of the estimated usage to either the gaining or losing REP, either REP may request the TDU to review the estimate. In reviewing the estimate, the TDU shall promptly calculate the average actual kWh usage per day for the time period from the actual meter reading occurring prior to the estimated reading to the actual meter reading occurring after the estimated reading. The TDU shall determine whether the usage per day for the estimated period prior to the switch is at least 25% greater than, or 25% less than, the average actual kWh usage per day. If so, the TDU shall promptly adjust the estimated meter read. The TDU may adjust an estimate that does not meet this 25% threshold, on a non-discriminatory basis.(C) The TDU shall apply a reasonable methodology in making adjustments pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph and shall make the methodology available to REPs. Consistent with any meter read adjustments, the TDU shall adjust its invoices to the affected REP or REPs.(3) A TDU shall file performance reports with the commission as part of the information filed under § RSA 25.88 of this title (relating to Retail Market Performance Measure Reporting). These reports shall show by month the number and percentages of actual and estimated meter reads for the purpose of switches, and whether that month's performance was in compliance with paragraph (1) of this subsection.(q) Scheduled switch date. Once a TDU notifies the REPs of a scheduled switch date, the TDU shall perform an actual or estimated read of the customer's meter for that date.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 25.474
The provisions of this §25.474 adopted to be effective August 1, 2004, 29 TexReg 4756; amended to be effective March 8, 2007, 32 TexReg 1286; amended to be effective July 5, 2009, 34 TexReg 4306; amended to be effective November 28, 2011, 36 TexReg 7982; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 42, Number 09, March 3, 2017, TexReg 1011, eff. 3/8/2017