Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 5.306 - Standards for Certification(a) The requirements of this subchapter apply in addition to the requirements of § RSA 3.46 of this title (relating to Fluid Injection into Productive Reservoirs) and any permit conditions to which the Commission has subjected the injection wells.(b) The operator must use a master meter or a series of master meters to meter the total volume of anthropogenic CO2 injected into the enhanced recovery facility. The operator must use an individual well meter to meter the volume of anthropogenic CO2 injected into each injection well. When anthropogenic CO2 is commingled outside the enhanced recovery facility with other CO2, the operator shall report the total volume of anthropogenic CO2 in the mixed stream and may account for the anthropogenic CO2 for the master meter and injected well volumes on an allocated basis.(c) The operator must install and use continuous recording devices to monitor the injection pressure and the rate, volume, and temperature of the CO2 stream. The operator must monitor the pressure on the annulus between the tubing and the long string casing. The operator must continuously record, continuously monitor, or control by a preset high-low pressure sensor switch the wellhead pressure of each injection well.(d) The operator must fill the annulus between the tubing and the long string casing with a corrosion inhibiting fluid approved by the director.(e) The operator of an injection well subject to this subchapter must maintain and comply with the approved monitoring, sampling, and testing plan to verify that the facility is operating as permitted and that the injected fluids are confined to the injection zone. The director may require additional monitoring as necessary to determine compliance with the intent of this subchapter.(f) An operator registered under this subchapter must submit, as applicable, a description of any proposed well stimulation program and a determination that well stimulation will not compromise containment.(g) In addition to the requirements of § RSA 3.14 of this title (relating to Plugging), the operator of an enhanced recovery facility subject to this subchapter must, prior to plugging: (1) flush each injection well with a buffer fluid;(2) measure to determine bottomhole reservoir pressure;(3) perform final tests to assess mechanical integrity; and(4) ensure that the material to be used in plugging is compatible with the CO2 stream and the formation fluids.(h) In any registration for geologic storage of anthropogenic CO2 incidental to enhanced recovery, the director shall impose terms and conditions reasonably necessary to prevent the escape of CO2.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 5.306
The provisions of this §5.306 adopted to be effective July 17, 2011, 36 TexReg 4397