16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.182

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.182 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Minor Permits
(a) If the District Director determines that an application is for a permit to store only a minor amount of oil field fluids or to store or dispose of only a minor amount of oil and gas waste, the District Director may issue a minor permit provided the permit does not authorize an activity which results in waste of oil, gas, or geothermal resources or pollution of surface or subsurface water.
(b) An application for a minor permit shall be filed with the Commission in the District Office. Notice of the application shall be given as required by the District Director. The District Director may determine that notice of the application is not required.
(c) A minor permit is valid for 60 days, but a minor permit which is issued without notice of the application may be modified, suspended, or terminated by the District Director at any time for good cause.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.182

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0085, eff. 7/1/2025