Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 4.163 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Monitoring(a) The operator shall monitor three soil zones in each landfarming cell at the following frequency: (1) the surface treatment zone from the ground surface to a depth of 12 inches below land surface shall be sampled and analyzed quarterly; (2) the waste treatment zone from 12 to 24 inches below land surface shall be sampled and analyzed quarterly; and (3) the compliance monitoring zone from 24 to 36 inches below land surface shall be sampled and analyzed annually. (b) The operator shall collect samples from each active cell as follows: (1) The District Office shall be notified by phone or email at least 48 hours prior to any sampling event. (2) Each active cell shall be divided into four-acre plots or other plot size as defined in the permit. (3) The applicant shall take at least one composite sample for each treatment zone in each plot by subdividing each plot into four equal-sized quadrants. (A) One composite sample of the surface treatment zone in each plot shall be made from four individual grab samples collected from the surface treatment zone of each quadrant. (B) One composite sample of the waste treatment zone in each plot shall be made from four individual grab samples collected from the waste treatment zone of each quadrant. (C) One composite sample of the compliance monitoring zone in each plot shall be made from four individual grab samples collected from the compliance monitoring zone of each quadrant. (c) The operator shall analyze samples from each active cell according to the analysis requirements specified in the permit. (d) If any composite sample exceeds any limitations specified by the permit or in the figure in this subsection, the operator shall remediate the parcel where the sample was collected as follows. (1) The plot shall be tilled. (2) The operator shall collect a composite sample from the four quadrants of the plot and re-analyze the sample for the parameter for which the limitations were exceeded. (3) The operator shall re-till and resample the plot no less than once per month until the sample analyses indicate that the parameter limitations are not exceeded. (4) If the parcel exceeds the limitation after six months of sampling, that plot is not authorized to accept additional waste until a sample analysis does not exceed the particular limitation. Attached Graphic
(e) Documentation of the sampling and analysis shall be filed with the Technical Permitting Section and the District Office as part of the quarterly report required by the permit. A summary of the soil sampling required by the permit shall include: (1) a map drawn to scale with coordinates of the sampling locations; (2) a table indicating the results of the parameters sampled; (3) the date of sampling; (4) the approximate depth of the sample below land surface and corresponding zone; and (5) copies of the laboratory analytical reports and the corresponding chain of custody.16 Tex. Admin. Code § 4.163
Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 50, Number 01, January 3, 2025, TexReg 0083, eff. 7/1/2025