16 Tex. Admin. Code § 20.601

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 20.601 - Employee Training and Education Program
(a) Scope of program. The rules in this subchapter establish the Commission's employee training and education program. The program consists of in-service instruction, as set forth in § RSA 20.602 of this title (relating to In-Service Instruction); staff development training, as set forth in § RSA 20.603 of this title (relating to Staff Development); the tuition reimbursement program as set forth in § RSA 20.604 of this title (relating to Tuition Reimbursement Program); and required training as set forth in § RSA 20.605 of this title (relating to Required Training). Employees are eligible to participate in the Commission's training and education program to increase their job-related knowledge and skills, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status.
(b) Purpose. The Commission's employee training and education program shall relate to an employee's job duties following the training. The Commission's objectives for the employee training program include:
(1) developing and retaining a well-trained and competent staff;
(2) acquainting employees with new technical, legal, or security developments;
(3) motivating employees and stimulating their involvement and participation in Commission work;
(4) assisting employees in achieving their maximum potential and usefulness to the Commission; and
(5) improving the efficiency and economy of state government.
(c) Limitations and conditions.
(1) The employee training and education program is contingent upon funding authorized by the legislature or through available funds in the Commission's regular budget.
(2) An employee's participation in training or education for which the Commission would expend funds pursuant to §§ RSA 20.603-RSA 20.605 of this title is not a right; is not an obligation of the Commission to any of its employees; and is not a guarantee that budgeted amounts will be available at all times in a fiscal year.
(3) The funds available to any one employee pursuant to §§20.603 and 20.604 shall not exceed $1,200 per fiscal year.
(4) An employee's participation in training pursuant to §§ RSA 20.603-RSA 20.605 of this title shall not:
(A) in any way affect an employee's at-will status;
(B) be considered a guarantee or indication that approval will be granted for subsequent requests to participate;
(C) constitute a guarantee or indication of either continued employment in a current position or future employment in a prospective position.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 20.601

The provisions of this §20.601 adopted to be effective April 12, 2004, 2004, 29 TexReg 3621