16 Tex. Admin. Code § 20.101

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 20.101 - Access to and Charges for Commission Records
(a) The Commission adopts by reference the rules of the Office of the Attorney General in 1 TAC, Part 3, Chapter 70, relating to Cost of Copies of Public Information (formerly Texas Building and Procurement Commission in 1 TAC Chapter 111, Subchapter C, concerning cost of copies of public information). These rules were transferred from TBPC to the OAG effective September 1, 2005. The adopted or amended dates in paragraphs (1) through (11) of this subsection remain in effect.
(1) §70.1 (formerly §111.61), Purpose, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(2) §70.2 (formerly §111.62), Definitions, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(3) §70.3 (formerly §111.63), Charges for Providing Copies of Public Information, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(4) §70.4 (formerly §111.64), Requesting an Exemption, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(5) §70.5 (formerly §111.65), Access to Information Where Copies Are Not Requested, amended effective February 11, 2004;
(6) §70.6 (formerly §111.66), Format for Copies of Public Information, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(7) §70.7 (formerly §111.67), Estimates and Waivers of Public Information Charges, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(8) §70.8 (formerly §111.68), Processing Complaints of Overcharges, amended effective February 22, 2007;
(9) §70.9 (formerly §111.69), Examples of Charges for Copies of Public Information, amended effective February 11, 2004;
(10) §70.10 (formerly §111.70), The Attorney General Charge Schedule, amended effective February 22, 2007; and
(11) §70.11 (formerly §111.71), Informing the Public of Basic Rights and Responsibilities under the Public Information Act, amended effective February 22, 2007.
(b) Copies of the rule are filed in the Railroad Commission's Administration Division, located at the Commission's offices at 1701 North Congress, 9th floor, Austin, Texas 78701, and at all Commission district offices.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 20.101

The provisions of this §20.101 adopted to be effective December 13, 2004, 29 TexReg 11466; amended to be effective June 4, 2007, 32 TexReg 2985