16 Tex. Admin. Code § 11.139

Current through Reg. 50, No. 1; January 3, 2025
Section 11.139 - Uranium Exploration Drill Site Plugging and Reporting Requirements
(a) Each permittee shall plug each exploration borehole within three business days of drilling completion unless otherwise approved in the permit. The permittee shall maintain records of borehole logging, cementing dates, and rig logs and make them available for inspection by the division.
(b) Each permittee shall plug each exploration borehole in accordance with the following requirements.
(1) Each borehole shall be plugged with Type-I neat cement from total depth to three feet below ground surface unless the director approves an alternative plugging method that meets the requirements of subsection (d) of this section.
(2) Downhole plugs shall be emplaced using tremie tubing or drill string pipe. The remainder of the hole between the top of the plug and the ground surface shall be filled with non-toxic drill cuttings or soil.
(3) To ensure that the proper plug depth is achieved, each borehole shall be checked for settling within two business days after initial plugging. If the depth to the top of the plug is not at the required distance from the surface, additional cement or alternative plugging material, if approved, shall be added to bring the plug to the required depth.
(c) Each permittee shall physically mark each plugged borehole using the specific borehole marking method described in the approved permit, and shall ensure the markings remain in place until the borehole is inspected by the division. A permittee may use a section of poly rope, a piece of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, or a similar device to mark the location of the borehole.
(d) A permittee may request in writing to use an alternative plugging method or materials and shall demonstrate that the alternative methods or materials will provide at least the same level of groundwater protection as Type-I neat cement to protect and prevent communication with all formations bearing fresh water and usable quality water.
(e) No later than the last day of each month, each permittee shall file a completed Form SMRD-39U (Borehole Plugging Report) with the division showing the plugging information for each borehole plugged the previous month.
(f) Within 48 hours of drilling completion, each permittee shall install and cement casing for each exploration borehole that is to be used as a cased exploration well. Cased exploration wells shall be completed in accordance with the standards set forth in the regulations of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at 16 TAC § 76.1000(relating to Technical Requirements--Locations and Standards of Completion for Wells).
(g) No later than the last day of each month, each permittee shall file with the division a completed Form SMRD-38U (Cased Exploration Well Completion Report) showing the completion information for each exploration well cased the previous month.
(h) Each permittee shall plug boreholes or install casing in boreholes during the permit term.

16 Tex. Admin. Code § 11.139

The provisions of this §11.139 adopted to be effective November 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 9724