Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1680-06-01-.02 - DEFINITION OF TERMS:(1) For the purpose of these rules and regulations the following definitions shall apply: (a) Average daily traffic. The average 24-hour volume, being the total volume during a stated period divided by the number of days in that period. Unless otherwise stated, the period is a year. The term is commonly abbreviated as ADT.(b) Backfill. Replacement of suitable material compacted as specified around and over a pipe, conduit, casing or gallery.(c) Bedding. Organization of soil or other suitable material to support a pipe, conduit, casing or gallery.(d) Cap. Rigid structural element surmounting a pipe, conduit, casing or gallery.(e) Carrier, Pipe directly enclosing a transmitted fluid (liquid or gas).(f) Casing. A larger pipe enclosing a carrier.(g) Clear Zone. That roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled way, available for use by errant vehicles.(h) Coating. Material applied to or wrapped around a pipe.(i) Commissioner of Transportation. Commissioner of Transportation, Tennessee Department of Transportation.(j) Conduit or duct. An enclosed tabular runaway for protecting wiles or cables.(k) Control of access. The condition where the right of owners or occupants of abutting land or other persons to access, light, air or view in connection with a highway is fully or partially controlled by public authority.(l) Conventional highway. An arterial highway without access control.(m) Cover. Depth of Lop of pipe, conduit, casing or gallery below grade of roadway or ditch.(n) Cradel. Rigid structural element below and supporting a pipe.(o) Department of Transportation. Tennessee Department of Transportation.(p) Direct burial. Installing a utility facility underground without encasement.(q) Division Administrator. Division Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.(r) Drain. Appurtenance to discharge liquid contaminants from casings.(s) Encasement. Structural element surrounding a pipe.(t) Encroachment. Unauthorized use of highway right-of-way or easements as for signs, fences, utilities, parking, storage, etc.(u) Expressway. A divided arterial highway for through traffic with full or partial control of a generally with grade separations at major intersections.(v) FHPM. Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual.(w) Flexible pipe. A plastic, fiberglass, or metallic pipe having large ratio of diameter to wall which can be deformed without undue stress.(x) Freeway. An expressway with full control of access.(y) Frontage road. A local street or road auxiliary to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service to abutting property and adjacent areas and for control of access.(z) Full control of access. The authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic by providing access connections with selected public roads only by prohibiting crossings at direct private driveway connections.(aa) Gallery. An underpass for two or more utility lines.(bb) Gas Main. A pipe installed in a community to convey gas to individual services lines or other mains.(cc) Grounded. Connected to earth or to some extended conducting body which serves instead of whether the connection is intentional or accidental.(dd) Grout. A cement mortar or a slurry of fine sand or clay.(ee) Highway, Street or Road. A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way.(ff) Jacket. Encasement by concrete poured around a pipe.(gg) Manhole. An opening in an underground system which workmen or others may enter for the purposes of making installations, inspections. repairs, connections and tests.(hh) Median. The portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.(ii) New Utility Installation. An initial installation on the highway right-of-way and the replacement of existing facilities with those of a different type, capacity or design of replacement at a new location on the right-of-way.(jj) Normal. Crossing at a right angle.(kk) Oblique. Crossing at an acute angle.(ll) Partial control of access. The authority to control access is exercised to give preference to through traffic to a degree that, in addition to access connections with selected public roads, there may be some crossings at grade and some private driveway connections.(mm) Pavement structure. The combination of subbase, base course, and surface course placed on a subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed.(nn) Pipe. A tabular product made as a production item for sale as such. Cylinders formed from plate in the course of the fabrication of auxiliary equipment are not pipe as defined here.(oo) Pipeline or transmission line. A pipe installed for the purpose of transmitting a product from 3 source or sources of supply to one of more distribution centers, or to one or more large volume customers, or a pipe installed to interconnect sources of supply.(pp) Plowing. Direct burial of utility lines by means of a "plow" type mechanism which breaks the ground, places the utility line and closes the break in the ground in a single operation.(qq) Pressure. Relative internal pressure in psig (pounds per square inch gauge).(rr) Private lines. Privately owned facilities which convey or transmit commodities outlined in the application and scope sections of these rules and regulations but are devoted exclusively to private use.(ss) Right-of-way. A general term denoting land, property. or interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes.(tt) Rigid pipe. Pipe designed for diametric deflection of less than 1%.(uu) Roadside. A general term denoting the area adjoining the outer edge of the roadway. Extensive areas between the roadways of a divided highway may also be considered roadside.(vv) Roadway. The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use. A divided highway has two or more roadways.(ww) Safety rest area. A roadside area with parking facilities separated from the roadway provided for motorists to stop and rest for short periods. It may include drinking water, toilets, tables and benches, telephones, information, and other facilities for travelers.(xx) Scenic overlook, A roadside area provided for motorists to stop their vehicle for viewing the scenery in safety.(yy) Semi-Rigid pipe. Pipe designed to tolerate from 1% to 301% diametric deflection.(zz) Service line. The piping installed between the meter set assembly and a main, pipeline or other source of supply.(aaa) Stab, floating. Slab between, but not contacting, pipe or pavement.(bbb) Sleeve. Short casing through pier or abutment of highway structure.(ccc) Special Provision. Provision inserted into a Use and Occupancy Agreement revising these rules and regulations or supplements hereto, and covering conditions peculiar to the individual utility installation.(ddd) Specifications. Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction-Tennessee Department of Transportation.(eee) State Transportation Engineer. Transportation Engineer, Tennessee Department of Transportation(fff) Surety. The corporation, partnership or individual other than the utility owner, executing a bond furnished the Department of Transportation by the utility owner.(ggg) Traveled way. The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.(hhh) Trenched. Installed in a narrow open excavation.(iii) Untrenched. Installed without breaking ground or pavement surface, such as by jacking or boring.(jjj) Use and Occupancy Agreement. The document by which the Department of Transportation regulates and/or gives approval of the use and occupancy of highway rights-of-way by utility facilities or private lines.(kkk) Utility owner. The public agency, cooperative, corporation, company or individual named in the Use and Occupancy Agreement and responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the utility facility. (111) Utility Service Connection. A service connection from a utility distribution or feeder line or main to the premises served.(mmm) Vent. Appurtenance to discharge gaseous contaminants from casings.(nnn) Walled. Partially encased by concrete poured along side the pipe.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1680-06-01-.02
Original rule filed August 8, 1983; effective September 7, 1983. Amendment filed July 20, 1984; effective August 19, 1984.Authority: T.C.A. § 4-3-2303(2).