Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-06-01-.06

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 1200-06-01-.06 - FEES
(1) The fees authorized by the Tennessee Medical Laboratory Act (T.C.A. §§ 68-29-101, et seq.) and other applicable statutes, to be established by the Board for personnel licensure are established as follows:
(a) Application Fee - A nonrefundable fee to be paid by all licensure applicants. It shall be paid each time an application for licensure is filed.
(b) License Renewal Fee - A nonrefundable fee to be paid biennially (every other year) by all licensees. This fee also applies to all licensees who reactivate a retired or lapsed license.
(c) Late Licensure Renewal Fee - To be paid when a licensee fails to timely renew licensure biennially (every other year).
(d) State Regulatory Fee - To be paid biennially (every other year) by all licensees with all renewal applications, and by all individuals at the time of application.
(e) Replacement License Fee - A nonrefundable fee to be paid when an individual requests a replacement for a lost or destroyed "artistically designed" wall license.
(f) Duplicate Certificate Fee - A nonrefundable fee to be paid when an individual requests a duplicate renewal certificate.
(2) All fees paid by money order, certified, personal, or corporate check shall be submitted to the Board's Administrative Office and made payable to the Tennessee Medical Laboratory Board. Fees for online applications may be submitted by credit card, debit card, or electronic check.

(3) Fee Schedule:


(a) Application

$ 50.00

(b) Late Renewal

$ 60.00

(c) Renewal

$ 90.00 (Biennially)

(d) State Regulatory

$ 10.00 (Biennially)

(e) Replacement License

$ 40.00

(f) Duplicate Certificate

$ 25.00

(4) All fees shall be established, reviewed and changed by the Board.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-06-01-.06

Original rule filed May 3, 1995; effective July 17, 1995. Amendment filed March 4, 1998; effective May 20, 1998. Amendment filed August 31, 2001; effective November 14, 2001. Amendment filed August 25, 2003; effective November 8, 2003. Amendment filed April 17, 2007; effective July 1, 2007. Amendments filed January 13, 2022; effective 4/13/2022.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-29-105, and 68-29-117.