VOC(i)(A) = The weighted average VOC content in units of percent VOC by volume of the volatile content of all fountain solutions used each day;
i = Subscript denoting a specific fountain solution , as applied;
n = The number of different fountain solutions, as applied, each day on a printing press;
Li = The liquid volume of each fountain solution, as applied, used that day in units of liters (L) (gallons [gal]);
VVOCi = The volume fraction of VOC in each fountain solution, as applied; and
VVCi = The volume fraction of volatile matter in each fountain solution, as applied.
VOC(i)(B) = The weighted average VOC content in units of percent VOC by weight of the volatile content of all fountain solutions used each day;
i = Subscript denoting a specific fountain solution as applied;
n = The number of different fountain solutions, as applied, each day on a printing press;
Li = The liquid volume of each fountain solution, as applied, used on the day in units of L (gal);
Di = The density of each fountain solution, as applied, in units of mass of fountain solution per unit volume of fountain solution;
WVOCi = The weight fraction of VOC in each fountain solution, as applied; and
Wsi = The weight fraction of solids in each fountain solution, as applied.
PPc = VOC composite partial pressure at 20°C, in mm
VPi = Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at 20°, in mm Hg.
Wi = Weight of the "i"th cleaning solution, in grams;
Ww = Weight of the water, in grams;
We = Weight of exempt compound, in grams;
MWi = Molecular weight of the "i"th cleaning solution, in grams;
MWw = Molecular weight of the water, in grams;
MWe = Molecular weight of exempt compound, in grams;
i = Subscript denoting a specific cleaning solution , as applied;
n = The number of different cleaning solutions, as applied, each day on a printing press.
Ink VOC Content:
C1 = VOC content in Ink
M1 = Weight of ink used: (amount purchased -amount discarded or recycled).
W1 = %VOC (by weight) in ink from either supplier (MSDS) or method specified in Subparagraph (2)(a) of rule 1200-03-18-.81.
G1 = Volume (gallons) used; (volume purchased -volume discarded or recycled)
R = % VOC (by weight) retained by paper: Non-heatset - 95% as per Nov. 1993 draft Control Techniques Guideline for Offset Lithography.
Heatset - 20% as per Nov. 1993 draft Control Techniques Guideline for Offset Lithography. UV - Amount from method specified in subparagraph (2)(a) of rule 1200-03-18-.81 after curing (assume 100%).
T1 = Total VOC emissions from all inks, 1 + 2 + .. + n.
Fountain solution VOC content:
Fountain solution VOC emissions:
Ef= Cf - Df
Total fountain solution VOC emissions:
TF= EF1+EF2+...+EFN
Cf = VOC content of fountain solution
Df = VOC content of press-ready fountain solution discarded or recycled.
Mc = Fountain solution concntrate weight.
Wc = % VOC (by weight) in fountain solution from supplier (MSDS) or method specified in subparagraph (2)(a) in rule 1200-03-18-.81.
Ma = Isopropanol weight.
Wa = % Isopropanol (by weight) from supplier (MSDS) .
Ms = Weight of alcohol substitute.
Ws = % VOC (by weight) in alcohol substitute from supplier (MSDS) or method specified in Subparagraph (2)(a) in rule 1200-03-18-.81.
Tf = Total emissions from all fountain solutions, 1 + 2 + ... + n.
weight of material:
M = V x D
M = Weight of material
V = Volume (gallon) of material used: ( volume purchased - volume discarded or recycled).
D = Density in lb/gal from MSDS or ( specific gravity x 8.33 lbs/gal).
Cleaning solution VOC content:
Cl = Llx Gl
Cleaning solution VOC emissions from Automatic Blanket Wash System:
El = Cl
Cleaning solution VOC emissions from hand washing:
Total cleaning solution VOC emissions:
CL = VOC content in cleaning solution
ML = Weight of cleaning solution (see above for calculation).
wL = % VOC (by weight) in cleaners from supplier (MSDS) or method specified in Subparagraph (2)(a) in rule 1200-03-18-.81.
LL = Pounds VOC per gallon from supplier (MSDS) or method specified in Subparagraph(2)(a) in rule 1200-03-18-.81. GL = volume (gallon) used: (volume purchased -volume discarded or recycled).
EL = Clenaing solution VOC emissions.
R = % VOC (by weight) retained by wipes: 50%
per June 1994 ACT for Offset lithography and cleaning solutions with VOC partial vapor pressure of 10mm Hg or less at 20 degree C.
TL = Total VOC emissions from all cleaners, 1 + 2 + .. +n
Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-03-18-.43
Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-201 et. seq. and 68-201-105.