Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-03-15-.03

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) When the Technical Secretary has declared that an air pollution alert, an air pollution warning, or an air pollution emergency exists, all persons must follow the requirements for that episode level as outlined in Tables 1, 2, or 3 or the air pollution episode emissions reduction plan approved in accordance with paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), or (6) on this rule. If a plan has been approved emissions must be reduced to that level or lower.
(2) Major sources in or significantly impacting a nonattainment area must submit to the Technical Secretary an acceptable air pollution episode emissions reduction plan to be followed during the alert, warning, and emergency levels or an air pollution episode. The term "Major source" as used above means any of the following types of stationary sources of air pollutants which emit, or have the potential to emit, one hundred tons per year or more of any air pollutant from the following types of stationary sources: fossil fuel fired steam electric plants of more than two hundred fifty-million British thermal units per hour heat input, coal cleaning plants (thermal dryers), kraft pulp mills, Portland cement plans, primary zinc smelters, iron and steel plants, primary aluminum ore reduction plants, primary copper smelters, municipal incinerators capable of charging more than two hundred fifty tons of refuse per day, hydrofluoric, sulfuric, and nitric acid plants, petroleum refineries, lime plants, phosphate rock processing plants, coke oven batteries, sulfur plants, phosphate rock processing plants, sulfur recovery plants, carbon black plants (furnace process), primary lead smelters, fuel conversion plants, sintering plants, secondary metal production facilities, chemical process plants, fossil-fuel boilers of more than two-hundred and fifty million British thermal units per hour heat input, petroleum storage and transfer facilities with a capacity exceeding three hundred thousand barrels, taconite ore processing facilities, glass fiber processing plants, charcoal production facilities. Such term also includes any other sources with the potential to emit two hundred and fifty tons per year or more of any air pollutant. Only the pollutants for which the area is nonattainment are considered in determining whether a source is a major source.
(3) Any source subject to paragraph (2) above must submit a revised air pollution episode emissions reduction plan at the request of the Technical Secretary should the nature and quality of the source's emissions change or the original plan be deemed inadequate.
(4) The owners and operators of other air contaminant sources, having a smaller potential for emissions than one hundred tons per year, may file an acceptable air pollutant episode emissions reduction plan for use during an air pollution episode if they feel they can contribute through other measures as much or more benefit to the reduction of the health hazard in the area at a lower cost to themselves.
(5) Where specific actions may be necessary to relieve a health hazard by sources emitting at lower levels that indicated in paragraph (2) above, the Technical Secretary may require the submittal of an acceptable plan from the owner or operators of that source. The owner or operator will have thirty (30) days to submit the plan, once it has been required.
(6) If the owners or operators of any source required to have an approved air pollution episode emissions reduction plan on file with the Technical Secretary by paragraphs (2), (3), or (5) above, fail to submit an approvable plan, the Technical Secretary may schedule an Administrative Hearing to set an approved air pollution episode emissions reduction plan for that air pollution source.





1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse, or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid waste shall be limited to the hours between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m.
3. Persons operating fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing shall perform such operations only between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m.
4. The Tennessee Air Pollution Control Division encourages persons operating motor vehicles to eliminate all unnecessary operation.


Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Alert Level.

Source of Air PollutionControl Action
1. Coal or oil-fired electric power generating facilities.a. Substantial reduction by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
c. Substantial reduction by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of Alert Area.
2. Coal and oil-fired process steam generating facilities.a. Substantial reduction by utilization of fuels having low ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
c. Substantial reduction of steam load demands consistent with continuing plant operations.
3. Manufacturing industries of the following classifications: Primary Metals Industry a. Substantial reduction of air contaminants from manufacturing operations by curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and all operations
Petroleum Refining Operations Chemical Industries Mineral Processing Industriesb. Maximum reduction by deferring trace waste disposal operations which emit solid particles, gases, vapors or malodorous substance.
Paper and Allied Productsc. Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Grain Industryd. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing or soot blowing.





1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse, or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid waste shall be limited to the hours between 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m.
3. Persons operating fuel-burning equipment which requires boiler lancing or soot blowing shall perform such operations only between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m.
4. The Tennessee Air Pollution Control Division encourages persons operating motor vehicles to reduce operations by the use of car pools and increase use of public transportation and the elimination of unnecessary operation.


Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Warning Level.

Source of Air PollutionControl Level
1. Coal or oil-fired electric power generating facilities.a. Maximum reduction by utilization of fuels having lowest ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12:00) noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
C. Maximum reduction by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of Warning area.
2. Coal and oil-fired process steam generating facilities.a. Maximum reduction by utilization of fuels having the lowest available ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12:00) noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
c. Making ready for use a plan of action to be taken if an emergency develops.
3. Manufacturing industries which require considerable lead time for shut-down including the following classifications: Petroleum Refininga. Maximum reduction of air contaminants from manufacturing operations by, if necessary, assuming reasonable economic hardship by postponing production and allied operation.
Chemical Industries Primary Metal Industriesb. Maximum reduction by deferring trade waste disposal operations which emit solid particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances.
Glass Industries Paper and Allied Productsc. Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing or soot blowing.
4. Manufacturing industries which require relatively short lead times for shut-down including the following classifications: Primary Metals Industries Chemical Industriesa. Elimination of air contaminants from manufacturing operations by ceasing, curtailing, postponing, or deferring production and allied operations to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage.
Mineral Processing Industries Grain Industryb. Elimination of air contaminants from trade waste disposal processes which emit solid particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
d. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing or soot blowing.





1. There shall be no open burning by any persons of tree waste, vegetation, refuse or debris in any form.
2. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any form of solid or liquid waste shall be prohibited.
3. All places of employment described below shall immediately cease operations.
a. Mining and quarrying of non-metallic minerals.
b. All construction work except that which must proceed to avoid emergent physical harm.
c. All air contaminant sources except those required to have in force an air pollution emergency plan.
4. Any commercial and manufacturing establishments not included in this order will institute such actions as will result in maximum reduction of air pollutants from their operations by ceasing, curtailing, or postponing operations which emit air pollutants to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.
5. The Tennessee Air Pollution Control Division encourages the users of motor vehicles to cease usage except in emergencies.


Any person responsible for the operation of a source of air pollutants listed below shall take all required control actions for this Emergency Level.

Source of Air PollutionControl Level
1. Coal or oil-fired electric power generating facilities.a. Maximum reduction by utilization of fuels having lowest ash and sulfur content.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12:00) noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
C. Maximum reduction by diverting electric power generation to facilities outside of Emergency area.
2. Coal and oil-fired process steam generating facilities.a. Maximum reduction by reducing heat and steam demands to absolute necessities consistent with preventing equipment damage.
b. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing and soot blowing.
c. Taking the action called for in the emergency plan.
3. Manufacturing industries of the following classifications: Primary Metals Industries Petroleum Refininga. Elimination of air contaminants from manufacturing operations by ceasing, curtailing, postponing or deferring production and allied operations to the extent possible without causing injury to persons or damage to equipment.
Chemical Industries Mineral Processing Industries Grain Industryb. Elimination of air contaminants from trade waste disposal processes which emit solid particles, gases, vapors, or malodorous substances.
c. Maximum reduction of heat load demands for processing.
Paper and Allied Productsd. Maximum utilization of mid-day (12: 00 noon to 4:00 p.m.) atmospheric turbulence for boiler lancing or soot blowing.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-03-15-.03

Original rule filed January 10, 1977; effective February 9, 1977. Amendment filed March 31, 1981; effective May 15, 1981.

Authority: T.C.A. Section 53-3412.