Section 1140-01-.10 - FEES(1) An applicant for examination for a license as a pharmacist shall pay a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) plus cost of the examination and materials.(2) An applicant for a reciprocal license or NAPLEX score transfer shall pay a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00).(3) Each person becoming licensed as a pharmacist shall pay a registration fee of one-hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00). Each person licensed as a pharmacist who desires to continue in the practice of pharmacy shall biennially, on or before the last day of the month that the person's license shall expire, pay a renewal fee of one-hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00). Each person licensed as a pharmacist and who wishes to obtain an inactive license shall biennially, on or before the last day of the month that the person's license shall expire, pay a renewal fee of sixty-three dollars ($63.00).(4) Each person becoming registered as a pharmacy technician shall pay a registration fee of fifty-five dollars ($55.00). Each person who desires to continue to practice as a pharmacy technician shall biennially, on or before the last day of the month that the person's registration shall expire, pay a renewal fee of seventy-five dollars ($75.00).(5) Any person, partnership, firm, corporation or agency owning or operating a pharmacy practice site or any establishment or institution where prescription drugs and devices and related materials are kept for the purpose of the compounding and dispensing of medical and prescription orders shall pay a registration fee of three-hundred dollars ($300.00) biennially. Any new pharmacy practice site to be opened or established, or any change in location, name or ownership of any existing pharmacy practice site, shall before active operation obtain a license from the Board of Pharmacy and shall pay a fee of three-hundred dollars ($300.00)(6) All manufacturers, outsourcing facilities, oxygen suppliers, wholesalers/distributors, and 3PLs of prescription drugs and/or devices and related materials doing business in the state of Tennessee must be licensed by the Board of Pharmacy by paying a registration fee of five-hundred twenty-five dollars ($525.00), and thereafter a biennial renewal fee of five-hundred twenty-five dollars ($525.00).(7) The fee for the Board of Pharmacy's publication of Pharmacy Drug Laws, Rules and Regulations shall be an amount which covers the cost of publication and shipping, as determined by the Board of Pharmacy. The Board may also publish Pharmacy Drug Laws, Rules and Regulations electronically, and may make an electronic publication freely available on the Board's website.(8) The charge for a roster of Tennessee pharmacies, pharmacists and printing of mailing labels of Tennessee pharmacies and pharmacists shall be determined by the administration of the Department of Health.(9) The fee for certification of license examination grades shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00).(10) The fee for any duplicate or revised license, registration, modifier or license wall certificate shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00).(11) If any person fails to renew a license, such license may be reinstated upon complying with rule 1140-01-.07 and upon the payment of the appropriate renewal fee plus a penalty fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each month or fraction thereof that payment for renewal is delinquent. In the event such renewal is not procured within six (6) months from the date on which the last renewal became delinquent, the board may refuse to issue the renewal.(12) If any person fails to renew a license or registration certificate, such license or registration certificate may be reinstated upon complying with rule 1140-01-.07 and upon the payment of the appropriate renewal fee plus a penalty fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each month or fraction thereof that payment for renewal is delinquent. In the event such renewal is not procured within six (6) months from the date on which the last renewal became delinquent, the board may refuse to issue the renewal.(13) A penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) may, in the discretion of the board, attach to each failure of a licensee or registration certificate holder to provide any required notice to the director as may be required by the rules of the board.(14) Any licensee who wishes to modify the terms or conditions of a license to manufacture, obtain, possess, administer or dispense a prescription drug or device or controlled substance for the purpose of scientific research, chemical analysis, instruction or training of detection animals shall file those modifications with a non-refundable fee of five dollars ($5.00).(15) Any person who holds a license to manufacture, obtain, possess, administer or dispense a prescription drug or device or controlled substance for the purpose of scientific research, chemical analysis, instruction or training of detection animals shall pay a renewal fee of one-hundred dollars ($100.00) biennially from the date of issuance.(16) Any person, partnership, firm, corporation or agency owning or operating a pharmacy practice site or any other establishment licensed pursuant to this chapter, where sterile products are compounded, manufactured, prepared, propagated, repackaged, processed, stored, or distributed shall pay a registration fee of two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00), and thereafter a biennial renewal fee of two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).(17) Each automated dispensing system becoming registered with the Board shall pay a registration fee of three-hundred dollars ($300.00), and thereafter a biennial renewal fee of three-hundred dollars ($300.00).(18) Each licensed practitioner, including pharmacy technicians, shall pay a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) in addition to any initial licensure or renewal fee. All fees collected pursuant to this paragraph shall be for the purpose of funding a peer assistance program.(19) Upon request, the Board may waive selected portions of these requirements so long as any waiver granted is consistent with the Board's authority under Tenn. Code Ann. Title 63, Chapters 1 and 10, and Tenn. Code Ann. Title 4, Chapter 5.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1140-01-.10
Original rule certified June 7, 1974. Amendment filed June 7, 1974; effective July 7, 1974. Amendment filed December 15, 1977; effective January 16, 1978. Amendment filed September 26, 1978; effective December 29, 1978. Repeal and new rule filed February 7, 1983; effective March 9, 1983. Amendment filed May 23, 1986; effective August 12, 1986. Amendment filed January 26, 1987; effective April 29, 1987. Amendment filed October 1, 1987; effective January 27, 1988. Amendment filed November 18, 1988; effective February 28, 1989. Amendment filed October 18, 1990; effective January 29, 1991. Amendment filed May 3, 1991; effective August 28, 1991. Amendment filed December 22, 1992; effective March 31, 1993. Amendment filed June 25, 1993; effective September 28, 1993. Amendment filed October 19, 1996; effective February 28, 1996. Repeal and new rule filed May 11, 1998; effective July 25, 1998. Amendment filed August 19, 2002; effective November 2, 2002. Emergency rule filed January 31, 2014; effective through July 30, 2014. Emergency rule expired effective July 31, 2014, and the rule reverted to its previous status. Amendments filed July 11, 2014; effective October 9, 2014. Amendments filed March 24, 2015; effective June 22, 2015. Amendments filed November 22, 2016; effective February 20, 2017. Amendments filed September 12, 2018; effective December 11, 2018. Amendments filed December 15, 2023; effective 3/14/2024.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 63-10-308, 63-10-310 and 63-10-312.