Section 1120-13-.09 - WAIVER OF PRODUCTION COSTS(1) No duplication costs will be charged for requests less than 34 pages if fees and labor costs are less than $5.00.(2) When the requesting party is a federal, state or local government agency, the Department shall provide the requested copies of public records without charge. A request made by a federal, state, or local government agency on behalf of a citizen under the Tennessee Public Records Act shall be treated as a request by a citizen and charged accordingly.(3) There shall be no charge for inspection of public records. A charge will only be assessed if copies are requested. An appointment may be required to ensure the efficiency of requests.(4) The Commissioner may reduce any part of the fees calculated under these rules upon a determination that such reduction is in the best interest of the public.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1120-13-.09
Original rules filed May 17, 2019; effective 8/15/2019.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 8-30-104, 8-30-105, and 10-7-501, et seq.