Section 0820-05-.03 - BASIC REQUIREMENTS(1) Every licensee is required to obtain the equivalent of thirty (30) PDH's per biennial renewal period. These PDH's may be obtained any time during the applicable renewal period. A minimum of two (2) PDH's shall be earned by successfully completing a course or activity that has content areas focused on surveying ethics and standards of practice. If a licensee exceeds the biennial requirement in any renewal period, a maximum of fifteen (15) PDH's may be carried forward to the subsequent renewal period. PDH's may be earned as follows: (a) Successful completion of college courses;(b) Successful completion of continuing education courses;(c) Presenting or attending qualifying seminars, webinars, in-house courses, workshops, or professional or technical presentations made at meetings, conventions, or conferences;(d) Teaching or instructing in 1 through 3 above;(e) Authoring published papers, articles, books, or accepted licensing examination items;(f) Active participation in professional or technical societies (limited to two (2) PDH's per organization and requires that the registrant serve as an officer and/or actively participate on a committee of that organization);(g) Receiving a patent; or,(h) Active participation in educational outreach activities pertaining to professional licensure or the surveying profession which involve grades K-12 or higher education students.(2) A registrant seeking biennial renewal of active registration must, as a prerequisite to renewal, submit satisfactory evidence to the Board of having obtained thirty (30) PDH's during the two (2) year period immediately preceding application for renewal (carryover hours, not exceeding fifteen (15) hours, from the next preceding renewal cycle may be included).(3) A new registrant is not required to satisfy the continuing education requirements prescribed in this chapter as a prerequisite for the initial one (1) year period of active registration; however, a new registrant is required to obtain continuing education requirements for application toward the second year of the initial licensing period, if initial licensure includes two (2) years.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0820-05-.03
Original rule filed October 28, 1993; effective January 11, 1994. Repeal and new rule filed November 17, 2014; effective 2/15/2015.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-18-105(d) and 62-18-106(d).