Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-03-.09

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Fired Jacketed Steam Kettles. Fired jacketed steam kettles may be constructed in accordance with ASME Code, Section VIII, provided the following requirements are met:
(a) Welded joints in contact with products of combustion shall be of Type No. 1 of Table UW-12, ASME Code, Section VIII.
(b) When parts subjected to pressure are made of carbon steel material, the minimum thickness shall be one fourth (1/4) inch. The minimum thickness of stainless steel or nonferrous pressure parts shall be as specified in the applicable part of ASME Code, Section VIII, Subsection C.
(c) When in contact with products of combustion, carbon steel material shall be pressure vessel quality and austenitic stainless steel parts shall be either extra-low carbon or stabilized grades.
(d) Structural grade carbon steel shall not be used for any pressure part.
(e) The operating pressure of the jacket shall not exceed 50 psig.
(f) Vessels constructed under this rule shall be inspected by an authorized inspector. Such vessels marked with the UM Symbol are not acceptable.
(g) No steam or water shall be withdrawn from the jacket for use externally to the vessel.
(h) The capacity of the safety valve in pounds of steam per hour shall be at least equal to the BTU rating of the burner divided by one thousand (1000).
(i) The jacket shall be equipped with the following minimum appurtenances and controls.:
1. A pressure gauge;
2. A water gauge glass;
3. A separate connection, fitted with a check valve and stop valve, for adding water to the jacket;
4. An automatic gas valve controlled by pressure or temperature to maintain the steam pressure in the jacket below the safety valve setting;
5. A low water cutoff that will cut off the fuel to the burner if the water in the jacket drops below the lowest permissible water level as established by the manufacturer; and
6. A safety pilot control that will cut off the fuel to both the main burner and the pilot burner in case of pilot flame failure.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0800-03-03-.09

Original rule filed March 27, 1991; effective June 29, 1991. (Formerly 0080-3-3-.08) Amendment filed June 27, 2000; effective October 28, 2000. Amendment filed March 30, 2001; effective July 30, 2001 . Repeal and new rule filed November 21, 2005; effective March 30, 2006. Amendment filed November 20, 2006; effective March 30, 2007. Repeal and new rule filed January 31, 2008; effective May 30, 2008. Amendments and new rules filed June 16, 2016; effective 9/14/2016.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202(a)(3), 68-122-101 through 68-122-104, 68-122-106, 68-122-111, 68-122-113, 68-122-116, 68-122-204, and 68-122-205.