Section 0780-01-90-.06 - ISSUANCE AND MAINTENANCE OF LICENSE(1) Unless denied licensure under this chapter, persons who have met the requirements of this Chapter shall be issued a multi-peril crop insurance adjuster license.(2) The license shall contain the licensee's name, city and state of business address, personal identification number, the date of issuance, the expiration date, and any other information the commissioner deems necessary.(3) A multi-peril crop insurance adjuster license shall remain in effect for twenty-four (24) months from the last day of the licensee's birth month occurring after the license is issued, unless revoked or suspended. The commissioner may renew a license issued under this Chapter, as long as the request for renewal and the fee set forth in the Rule 0780-01-90-.07 is paid and any other requirements for license renewal are met by the date of the license's expiration.(4) The licensee shall inform the commissioner, by any means acceptable to the commissioner, of a change of address, change of legal name, or change of material information submitted on the application within thirty (30) days of the change.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0780-01-90-.06
Emergency rule filed January 29, 2010; effective through July 28, 2010. Emergency rule filed January 29 expired effective July 29, 2010; rule reverted to its reserved status. Original rule filed June 16, 2010; effective September 14, 2010.Authority: 2009 Public Acts, Chapter 476 and T.C.A. §§ 56-2-301 and 56-6-1001 et seq.