Section 0770-03-02-.12 - PUBLIC NOTICE TO LOWER-INCOME FAMILIES: WAITING LIST(1) Public Notice to Lower-Income Families. (a) If the Agency does not maintain a waiting list for its Existing Housing Program which is sufficient to provide applicants for the units under the Moderate Rehabilitation Program the Agency will promptly after receiving the executed ACC, make known to the public the availability of the Program.1 The notice must state that assistance under this Program will be available only in specified units which have been rehabilitated under the Program. 2. The notice must also state that current occupants of housing assisted under the Act and applicants on a waiting list for any such housing (except for those Families on the Section 8 Existing Housing waiting list) must apply separately if they wish to be considered for assistance under the Program. In addition, the notice must state that such applicants will not lose their place on any other waiting list.3. The notice must be made in accordance with the HUD guidelines for fair housing requiring the use of the equal housing opportunity logotype, statement and slogan.(b) If the Agency has a waiting list for its Existing Housing Program which is sufficient to provide applicants for the units under the Moderate Rehabilitation Program, the Agency need not advertise the availability of assistance under this Program, until the next time it advertises under that program, but will refer Families on the Existing Housing waiting list.(2) Waiting List.(a) Any Family on the waiting list must be allowed to refuse participation in the Moderate Rehabilitation Program without losing its place on the waiting list for Existing Housing.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0770-03-02-.12
Original rule filed July 13, 1982; effective August 12, 1982.Authority: T.C.A. § 13-23-115(18).