Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0720-21-.08 - LIFE SAFETY(1) Any residential home for the aged which complies with the required applicable building and fire safety regulations at the time the board adopts new codes or regulations will, so long as such compliance is maintained (either with or without waivers of specific provisions), be considered to be in compliance with the requirements of the new codes or regulations.(2) The residential home for the aged shall provide fire protection by the elimination of fire hazards, by the installation of necessary fire fighting equipment and by the adoption of a written fire control plan. Fire drills shall be held at least quarterly for each work shift for residential home for the aged personnel in each separate building. There shall be one fire drill per quarter during sleeping hours. There shall be a written report documenting the evaluation of each drill and the action recommended or taken for any deficiencies found. Records which document and evaluate these drills must be maintained for at least three (3) years. All fires which result in a response by the local fire department shall be reported to the department within seven (7) days. The report shall contain sufficient information to ascertain the nature and location of the fire, its probable cause and any injuries incurred by any person or persons as a result of the fire. Initial reports by the facility may omit the name(s) of resident(s) and parties involved, however, should the department find the identities of such persons to be necessary to an investigation, the facility shall provide such information.(3) Residents who cannot evacuate within thirteen (13) minutes may be retained in the facility so long as such residents are retained in designated areas in accordance with of the Standard Building Code and the National Fire Protection Code (NFPA).(4) Each resident's room shall have a door that opens directly to the outside or a corridor which leads directly to an exit door and must always be capable of being unlocked by the resident.(5) Doors to residents' rooms shall not be louvered.(6) Corridors shall be lighted at all times, to a minimum of one foot candle.(7) General lighting and night lighting shall be provided for each resident. Night lighting shall be equipped with emergency power.(8) Corridors and exit doors shall be kept clear of equipment, furniture and other obstacles at all times. There shall be a clear passage at all times from the exit doors to a safe area.(9) Combustible finishes and furnishings shall not be used.(10) Open flame and portable space heaters shall not be permitted in the home. Cooking appliances other than microwave ovens shall not be allowed in sleeping rooms.(11) All heaters shall be guarded and spaced to prevent ignition of combustible material and accidental burns. The guard shall not have a surface temperature greater than 120° F.(12) Fireplaces and/or fireplace inserts may be used only if provided with guards or screens which are secured in place. Fireplaces and chimneys shall be inspected and cleaned annually and verified documentation shall be maintained.(13) All electrical equipment shall be maintained in good repair and in safe operating condition.(14) Electrical cords shall not be run under rugs or carpets.(15) The electrical systems shall not be overloaded. Power strips must be equipped with circuit breakers. Extension cords shall not be used.(16) All facilities must have electrically-operated smoke detectors with battery back-up power operating at all times in, at least, sleeping rooms, day rooms, corridors, laundry room, and any other hazardous areas.(17) Fire extinguishers, complying with NFPA 10, shall be provided and mounted so they are accessible to all residents in the kitchen, laundries and at all exits. Extinguishers in the kitchen and laundries shall be a minimum of 2-A: 10-BC and an extinguisher with a rating of 20-A shall be adjacent to every hazardous area. The minimum travel distance shall not exceed fifty (50) feet between the extinguishers.(18) Smoking and smoking materials shall be permitted only in designated areas under supervision. Ashtrays must be provided wherever smoking is permitted. Smoking in bed is prohibited. The facility shall have written policies and procedures for smoking within the facility which shall designate a room or rooms to be used exclusively for residents who smoke. The designated smoking room or rooms shall not be the dining room or activity room.(19) No smoking signs shall be posted in areas where oxygen is used or stored.(20) Trash and other combustible waste shall not be allowed to accumulate within and around the home and shall be stored in appropriate containers with tight-fitting lids. Resident rooms shall be furnished with a UL approved trash container.(21) All safety equipment shall be maintained in good repair and in a safe operating condition.(22) Janitorial supplies shall not be stored in the kitchen, food storage area, dining area or resident accessible areas.(23) Flammable liquids shall be stored in approved containers and stored away from the living areas of the facility.(24) Floor and dryer vents shall be cleaned as frequently as needed to prevent accumulation of lint, soil and dirt.(25) Emergency telephone numbers must be posted near a telephone accessible to the residents.(26) The physical environment shall be maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary manner. (a) Any condition on the facility site conducive to the harboring or breeding of insects, rodents or other vermin shall be prohibited. Chemical substances of a poisonous nature used to control or eliminate vermin shall be properly identified. Such substances shall not be stored with or near food or medications.(b) The building shall not become overcrowded with a combination of the facility's residents and other occupants.(c) Each resident bedroom shall contain a chair, bed, mattress, springs, linens, chest of drawers and wardrobe or closet space, either provided by the facility or by the resident if the resident prefers. All furniture provided by the resident must meet NFPA. All resident's clothing must be maintained in good repair and suitable for the use of elderly persons.(d) The building and its heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems shall be maintained in good repair and a clean condition at all times.(e) Temperatures in residents' rooms and common areas shall not be less than 65°F and no more than 85°F.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0720-21-.08
Original rule filed June 21, 1979; effective August 6, 1979. Amendment filed August 16, 1988; effective September 30, 1988. Amendment filed January 39, 1992; effective March 15, 1992. Repeal and new rule filed July 27, 2000; effective October 10, 2000. Amendment filed September 6, 2006; effective November 6, 2006. Transferred from chapter 1200-08-11 pursuant to Public Chapter 1119 of 2022 effective 7/1/2022.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 4-5-202, 4-5-204, 68-11-202, 68-11-204, 68-11-206, and 68-11-209.