Section 0455-01-03-.05 - TEMPORARY LICENSURE(1) Any person who provides to the board satisfactory proof of graduation from a court reporting program or its equivalent shall, upon application to the board on forms approved by the board and payment of a fee in an amount determined by the board, be issued a temporary license to practice as a court reporter. This temporary license shall expire sixty (60) days following the date upon which the next board-approved examination for licensure is given. No more than three (3) additional temporary licenses shall be issued to any applicant who fails to pass the scheduled examination for licensure.(2) "Court reporting program" shall mean those educational programs, approved by the Tennessee Board of Court Reporting, that provide education related to court reporting as defined in T.C.A. § 20-9-602(2).Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0455-01-03-.05
Emergency rule filed February 1, 2010; effective through July 31, 2010. New rule filed February 1, 2010; effective July 29, 2010. Rule petitioned March 1, 2010. Emergency rule filed February 1, 2010 expired effective August 1, 2010. Original rule filed July 26, 2010; effective October 24, 2010.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 20-9-605, 20-9-607, 20-9-609, 20-9-612 and 20-9-614.