Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0360-01-02-.01

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 0360-01-02-.01 - DEFINITIONS
(1) "Closed examination" shall mean an examination which is administered to the firefighters of a single fire department.
(2) "Commission" shall mean the Tennessee Commission on Fire Fighting Personnel Standards and Education. "Commission" may also refer to a person designated by the Commission for a particular purpose.
(3) "Commission office" shall mean the office of the Director and staff of the Tennessee Commission on Fire Fighting Personnel Standards and Education. "Commission office" may also refer to persons defined as "Commission Representatives."
(4) "Commission Representative" shall mean a person authorized by the Commission to act on its behalf. This may include, but is not limited to, the Commission director, Commission coordinators, and field representatives.
(5) "Department" shall mean a department of a municipality, county, or political subdivision, or an organization, agency, or entity that offers its services, for or without pay, for the purpose of suppressing fires, performing rescue services, or for other emergency response purposes. Excluded from this definition are law enforcement agencies, emergency medical agencies licensed by the Tennessee emergency medical services board, and rescue squads that do not provide fire protection.
(6) "Firefighter" shall mean any person hired or accepted as a full-time, part-time or volunteer firefighter, by a department recognized under the Fire Department Recognition Act, T.C.A. § 68-102-301, et seq., and who has satisfied the minimum training requirements of T.C.A. § 4-24-112.
(7) "IFSAC" shall mean the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress.
(8) "NFPA" shall mean the National Fire Protection Association.
(9) "Performance examination" shall mean a skill evaluation used to assess a candidate's ability to perform a particular job performance requirement, requisite skill, or objective of a standard for the purpose of certification.
(10) "Pro Board" shall mean the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications.
(11) "Training Coordinator" shall mean a person at the department who acts as a point of contact for receipt of Commission-related information.
(12) "Written examination" shall mean an assessment administered on paper or on a computer that is used to measure a candidate's knowledge of a particular job performance requirement, requisite knowledge, or objective of a standard for the purpose of certification.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0360-01-02-.01

Original rule filed August 27, 1979; effective October 10, 1979. Amendment filed September 30, 1983; effective December 14, 1983. Amendment filed November 8, 1990; effective December 23, 1990. Amendment filed October 14, 1994; effective February 28, 1995. Repeal and new rule filed April 25, 2005; effective July 9, 2005. Amendment filed December 14, 2009; effective March 14, 2010. Repeal and new rule filed October 27, 2014; effective 1/25/2015.

Authority: T.C.A §§ 4-24-101, 4-24-107.