Section 0200-01-.11 - FEES(1) The Board shall charge and collect the following fees and penalties:(a) Master Barbers1. A candidate shall schedule an examination with the Board's designated testing agency and pay an examination fee that will include any fees charged by the designated testing agency. The Board shall set the examination fee through choosing a contractor from a solicitation process pursuant to T.C.A. § 12-3-501, et seq. and the Comprehensive Rules and Regulations of the Central Procurement Office found at Tenn. Comp. R. & Reg. Chapter 0690-03-01, or any other predecessor rules and laws of the State of Tennessee regarding the procurement of such contracts.2. Certificate of registration.................sixty dollars ($60.00)3. Renewal..................... .............. sixty dollars ($60.00)4. Penalty for late renewal up until one (1) year of expiration....sixty dollars ($60.00).5. Reinstatement of certificate of registration if more than one (1) year but less than three (3) years, a fee as set forth in T.C.A. § 62-3-129(c)(1).6. For the reinstatement of a certificate of registration for a master barber license which has been expired for more than three (3) years, a new application for examination and the examination fee shall be submitted. If successful, the applicant shall pay the specified license fee. The examination shall consist of a practical examination before the board. Such applicant shall not be required to meet the qualifications for a certificate of registration established in T.C.A. § 62-3-110(b)(2) and (3).7. Change of name......................ten dollars ($10.00)8. Retirement of license ..................fifty dollars ($50.00)(b) Technicians 1. A candidate shall schedule an examination with the Board's designated testing agency and pay an examination fee that will include any fees charged by the designated testing agency. The Board shall set the examination fee through choosing a contractor from a solicitation process pursuant to T.C.A. § 12-3-501, et seq. and the Comprehensive Rules and Regulations of the Central Procurement Office found at Tenn. Comp. R. & Reg. Chapter 0690-03-01, or any other predecessor rules and laws of the State of Tennessee regarding the procurement of such contracts.2. Certificate of registration .................sixty dollars ($60.00)3. Renewal.........................sixty dollars ($60.00)4. Penalty for late renewal up until one (1) year of expiration....sixty dollars ($60.00).5. For reinstatement of a certificate of registration over one (1) year after its expiration, a new examination application shall be submitted. If successful, the applicant shall pay the specified license fee. The examination shall consist of a practical and law examination. Such applicant shall not be required to meet the qualifications for a certificate of registration established in T.C.A. § 62-3-110(a).6. Change of name......................ten dollars ($10.00)7. Retirement of license ..................fifty dollars ($50.00)(c) Residential Barber Services 1. Application (Initial and Renewal) ............................................ sixty dollars ($60.00)2. Certificate of registration ............................................ seventy-five dollars ($75.00)3. Renewal card ........................................................ ....twenty-five dollars ($25.00)4. Inspection of residential barbering kit (subsequent to issuance of residential barber certificate)........... ............ ....seventy-five dollars ($75.00)5. Penalty for late renewal (permissible for up to one (1) year following expiration of registration)............ ....................... twenty-five dollars ($25.00)6. Retirement of license..................twenty-five dollars ($25.00)(d) Barber Schools or Colleges 1. Certificate of registration........three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00)2. hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00)3. Reinstatement of certificate of registration within one (1) year of expiration (includes penalty) hundred and seventy five dollars ($175.00)4. Change of ownership and/or hundred and seventy five dollars ($175.00)5. Change of name .....................ten dollars ($10.00)(e) Barber Instructors1. A candidate shall schedule an examination with the Board's designated testing agency and pay an examination fee that will include any fees charged by the designated testing agency. The Board shall set the examination fee through choosing a contractor from a solicitation process pursuant to T.C.A. § 12-3-501, et seq. and the Comprehensive Rules and Regulations of the Central Procurement Office found at Tenn. Comp. R. & Reg. Chapter 0690-03-01, or any other predecessor rules and laws of the State of Tennessee regarding the procurement of such contracts.2. Certificate of registration..................eighty dollars ($80.00)3. Renewal.......... .................................. ....seventy dollars ($70.00)4. Penalty for late renewal of certificate of registration within one (1) year of expiration ........................................................................... seventy ($70.00) dollars5. Reinstatement of certificate of registration if more than one (1) year since expiration (includes penalty) a fee as set forth in T.C.A. § 62-3-129(c)(3).6. Change of name......................ten dollars ($10.00)7. Retirement of license .....................fifty dollars ($50.00)(f) Barber Shops 1. To register a new barber shop or for change of ownership and/or location, the following fees are required: (i) Inspection..................... fifty dollars ($50.00)(ii) Certificate of registration......... ..... one hundred dollars ($100.00)2. Renewal.......................seventy-five dollars ($75.00)3. Penalty for late renewal up until one (1) year of expiration..seventy five ($75.00) dollars.4. Reinstatement of certification if registration is more than one (1) year since expiration (includes penalty) as set forth in T.C.A. § 62-3-129(c)(4).5. Change of name......................ten dollars ($10.00)(g) New Dual shop license hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00)(h) Dual shop license hundred dollars ($100.00) (i) Dual shop penalty for late renewal...........fifty dollars ($50.00) per year. (j) Certifications to other Jurisdictions1. License certification......................fifty dollars ($50.00)2. Student certification of hours............twenty five dollars ($25.00) (k) Barber instructor assistant certificate of registration......twenty-five dollars ($25.00)(l) hundred dollars ($100.00)(m) In the event that any check, draft or money order for the payment of a fee to the Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners is returned because of insufficient funds, only cash, certified checks or money orders will be accepted for the amount due, plus a penalty fee of twenty dollars ($20.00).(n) Change of ownership in a barber school or shop due to the death of an immediate family charge. Application must be accompanied by death certificate or notice.
(o) Replacement of lost, misplaced or mutilated certificate of registration....twenty five dollars ($25.00).Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0200-01-.11
Original rule filed July 24, 1984; effective August 23, 1984. Amendment filed January 26, 1987; effective March 12, 1987. Amendment filed February 5, 1991; effective March 22, 1991. Repeal and new rule filed July 10, 1997; effective September 23, 1997. Repeal and new rule filed October 15, 2004; effective December 29, 2004. Amendments filed March 9, 2017; effective June 7, 2017. However, the Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners filed a 23-day stay of the effective date of the rule April 28, 2017; new effective date June 30, 2017. Amendments filed November 21, 2017; to have become effective February 19, 2018. However, a 75-day stay was filed on January 30, 2018. A withdrawal of the stay was filed on February 27, 2018; new effective date 3/19/2018.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-3-113, 62-3-117, 62-3-122, 62-3-128, 62-3-129, and 62-3-135.