Section 0160-03-.03 - BASIC REQUIREMENTS(1) All licensees must obtain six (6) hours of continuing education per renewal cycle in order to renew a license.(2) A licensee attending a continuing education program shall provide the licensee's name and license number to the education provider in writing on the education provider's registration form for any Commission-approved continuing education program. If the licensee fails to follow the aforementioned requirement, the licensee shall not receive credit for attending the program from the Commission. Licensees shall also personally maintain proof of completion of each continuing education course for two (2) renewal cycles.(3) A licensee who attends any continuing education program or engages in other continuing education activity which has not been approved by the Commission shall not be awarded credit by the Commission towards the continuing education requirement.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0160-03-.03
Original rule filed August 5, 1998; effective October 19, 1998. Repeal and new rule filed January 30, 2008; effective April 14, 2008. Amendments filed April 13, 2020; effective 7/12/2020.Authority: T.C.A. § 62-19-106(b) and (e).