Section 0145-03-.10 - SCORING(1) During mixed martial arts contests, referees and judges shall use the Association of Boxing Commissions' (ABC) MMA Judging Criteria/Scoring guidelines when scoring the contests.(2) During kickboxing contests, referees and judges shall score all contests and determine the winner through the use of the ten-point must system. In this system, the winner of each round receives ten (10) points and the opponent a proportionately less number. If the round is even, each combatant receives ten (10) points. No fraction of points shall be given.(3) At the termination of the professional contest or amateur event, or the termination of each round, as determined by the Commission's representative present at the contest or event, the cards of the judges shall be picked up by the referee and delivered to the Commission's representative assigned to check the totals. The majority opinion shall be conclusive and if there is no majority then the decision shall be a draw. When the Commission's representative has completed verifying the score, the ring announcer shall be informed of the decision and shall announce the decision.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0145-03-.10
Emergency rules 0145-01 through 0145-05 filed November 7, 2008; effective though April 21, 2009. Emergency rule filed April 20, 2009; effective through October 2, 2009. New rule filed March 17, 2009; effective May 31, 2009. Amendments filed March 17, 2017; effective 6/15/2017.Authority: Chapter 1149 of the Public Acts of 2008, § 2 and T.C.A. § 68-115-201.