Section 0120-02-.06 - ACCEPTANCE OF WORK(1) The registrant shall not offer to pay, either directly or indirectly, any commission, political contribution, or a gift or other consideration in order to secure work, exclusive of securing salaried positions through employment agencies.(2) The registrant shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation of the registrant's or the registrant's associates' academic or professional qualifications to a prospective or existing client or employer. The registrant shall not misrepresent or exaggerate the registrant's degree of responsibility in or for the subject matter of present or prior assignments.(a) It shall be the responsibility of each registrant to clearly and appropriately state prior professional experience of the registrant and/or the firm the registrant is representing in presenting qualifications to prospective clients, both public and private. If a registrant uses visual representations of prior projects or experience, all registrants whose seal appears on plans, specifications and/or contract documents must be clearly identified.(b) A registrant who has been an employee of another design firm may not claim unconditional credit for projects contracted for in the name of the previous employer. The registrant shall indicate, next to the listing for each project, that individual experience gained in connection with the project was acquired as an employee. Additionally, the registrant shall provide the time frame in which the project was performed, identify the previous design firm, and describe the nature and extent of the registrant's participation in the project.(c) A registrant who was formerly a principal in a firm may legitimately make additional claims provided the registrant discloses the nature of ownership in the previous design firm (e.g., stockholder, director or officer) and identifies with specificity the registrant's responsibilities for that project.(d) A registrant who presents a project that has received awards recognition must comply with the requirements of this rule with regard to project presentation to the public and prospective clients.(e) Projects which remain unconstructed and which are listed as credit shall be listed as "unbuilt" or by a similar designation.(3) The registrant shall not request, propose, or accept a professional commission on a contingent basis under circumstances in which the registrant's professional judgment may be compromised.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0120-02-.06
Original rule certified May 3, 1974. Amendment filed July 27, 1977; effective August 26, 1977. Repeal and new rule filed January 14, 1980; effective February 28, 1980. Amendment filed September 15, 2015; effective 12/14/2015.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-204 and 62-2-203(c).