Section 0090-01-.02 - DEFINITIONS(1) ACCESS CONTROL - Electronic, electrical, or computer-based devices that is designed to detect or signal an alarm and controls the access of a person, vehicle, or object through a door, gate, or entrance into the controlled area of a residence or business. For licensing and certification purposes, access control would be considered a burglar alarm system. The term does not include:(a) A mechanical device, such as a deadbolt or lock; or(b) An operator for opening or closing a commercial gate or door or an accessory, such as a fixed or portal transmitter, if the operator or accessory is used only to activate the gate or door and is not monitored by an alarm system.(2) ALARM RUNNER - An employee of a licensed contract security company or alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is direct response to an alarm condition at the premises where the alarm signal originated.(3) BRANCH OFFICE - Any physical location at which an alarm systems contractor conducts any activity relating to the sale, installation, servicing and/or monitoring of alarm systems, including but not limited to offices where administrative, marketing and/or other alarm business functions are performed. The only exceptions shall be as follows: (a) Warehouse facilities which are utilized solely for storage purposes; and(b) Locations not accessible to the general public which have no signage, advertising or other outward indication to the public that the alarm systems contractor conducts its business there and from which no direct sales, marketing or installations take place.(4) BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM - An alarm or monitoring system, including but not limited to access control that has the primary function of detecting or responding to emergencies other than fire.(5) CLERICAL EMPLOYEE - An employee of an alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is maintenance of records, letters, or correspondence related to specific alarm systems.(6) CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION - An alarm system that provides video surveillance of events primarily by means of transmission and recording of visual signals through the use of film, cameras, receivers, and other visual imaging systems. Closed circuit television systems may also include as secondary functions audio and related electrical signals.(7) DESIGNATED QUALIFYING AGENT - The qualifying agent designated by the certified contractor to be responsible for compliance with state law.(8) LICENSURE - The authority granted by the Commissioner for an individual to serve as a qualifying agent.(9) MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEE - An employee of an alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is supervising the activity of other employees.(10) MONITORING CENTER EMPLOYEE - An employee of an alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is to monitor alarm systems and/or receive signals and provide an appropriate response to an alarm condition.(11) NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TRAINING PROGRAM - A course or educational training program, as further described in Chapter 0090-03 of these rules, for one or more segments of the alarm industry that is recognized for high quality training of alarm professionals.(12) PORTABLE INVESTIGATIVE EQUIPMENT - Surveillance equipment, devices and associated wiring that is not permanently attached to a building or other structure.(13) REGISTRANT - An individual employee of an alarm systems contractor, other than a qualified agent, who has been found to meet the requirements established by the Commissioner for his or her job classification.(14) RESPONSIBLE CHARGE - The duty of answering questions relevant to the technical and business decisions regarding alarm systems contracting in sufficient detail as to leave little doubt as to the qualifying agent's proficiency for the work performed and familiarity with the alarm systems contractor's day-to-day business operations.(15) SALES REPRESENTATIVE - An employee of an alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is direct contact with an existing or potential customer with the intent to sell alarm equipment or services.(16) SERVICE - The inspection, maintenance or repair of an alarm system.(17) TECHNICAL EMPLOYEE - An employee of an alarm systems contractor whose primary responsibility is the installation or service of equipment used in alarm systems.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0090-01-.02
Original rule filed January 14, 1993; effective February 28, 1993. Amendment filed October 17, 1994; effective December 30, 1994. Amendment filed May 24, 1996; effective August 4, 1996. Amendments filed May 26, 2009; effective August 9, 2009. Repeal and new rule filed March 30, 2012; effective June 28, 2012. Amendments filed March 22, 2023; effective 6/20/2023.Authority: T.C.A. §§ 62-32-303 and 62-32-307.