Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-07-05-.03

Current through January 8, 2025
(1) Permits may be issued by any reasonable means, including by telephone, in person or by Internet.
(2) The permit is valid only for the days and hours specified.
(3) Permit requests shall be refused any time the State Forester or the State Forester's authorized representative determines that open-air fires are unsafe.
(4) The permit shall only allow burning of vegetation grown on the site, untreated wood waste, or other materials allowed for open burning by rules of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
(5) Each permit shall include a unique identifying number.
(6) Each permit should include:
(a) Name of permittee.
(b) Location of burn.
(c) Date and time of burn.
(d) Material to be burned.
(e) Acres to be burned, if applicable.
(f) Identity of the permit issuer.
(g) Date and time of issuance.
(h) Other information required by the Division of Forestry.
(7) Seasonal permits shall be subject to the same general requirements as nonseasonal permits.
(8) Seasonal permits may be revoked by the Division of Forestry after notice to the permittee.

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-07-05-.03

Rule filed February 20, 2014; effective 7/29/2014.

Authority: T.C.A. §§ 39-14-306, 11-4-301, 11-4-405 and 4-3-203.