Section 0080-05-06-.10 - HERMETICALLY SEALED CONTAINERSFor agricultural and vegetable seeds labeled and packed in hermetically sealed containers the nine (9) month limitation of date of test in Section 10 (a) (2) is extended as provided therein. The germination test for agricultural and vegetable seeds shall have been completed within twentyfour (24) month period, exclusive of the calendar month in which the test was completed, if the following conditions are met:
(1) The seed was packaged within nine (9) months after harvest.(2) The container used does not allow water vapor penetration through any wall, including the seals, greater than 0.05 grams of water per 24 hours per 100 square inches of surface at 100 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity on one side of 90 percent and on the other side of 0.00 percent. Water vapor penetration of WVP is measured by the Standards of the U.S. Bureau of Standards as: gm. H20/24 hr/100 sq. in. /100 deg. F. / 90% RHV .0% RH(3) The seed in the container used does not exceed the percentage of moisture, on a wet weight basis, as listed below: AGRICULTURAL SEEDS | PERCENT |
Beet, Field | 7.5 |
Beet, Sugar | 7.5 |
Bluegrass, Kentucky | 6.0 |
Clover, Crimson | 8.0 |
Fescue, Red | 8.0 |
Ryegrass, Annual | 8.0 |
Ryegrass, Perennial | 8.0 |
All others | 6.0 |
Mixture of above | 8.0 |
Bean, Garden | |
Bean, Lima | |
Beet | |
Broccoli | |
Brussels Sprouts | |
Cabbage | |
Carrot | |
Cauliflower | |
Celeriac | |
Celery | |
Chard, Swiss | |
Chinese Cabbage | |
Chives | |
Collards | |
Corn, Sweet | |
Cucumber | |
Eggplant | |
Kale | |
Kohlrabi | |
Leek | |
Lettuce | |
Muskmelon | |
Mustard, India | |
Onion | |
Onion, Welsh | |
Parsley | |
Parsnip | |
Pea | |
Pepper | |
Pumpkin | |
Radish | |
Rutabaga | |
Spinach | |
Squash | |
Tomato | |
Turnip | |
Watermelon | |
All others | |
(4) The container is conspicuously labeled in not less than 8 point type to indicate:(a) That the seed is hermetically sealed,(b) That the seed has been preconditioned as to moisture content.(c) The calendar month and year in which the germination test was completed as well as all labeling information required in Section 4 of the Tennessee Seed Law.(d) The percentage of germination of seed at the time of packaging was equal to or above the Standards specified elsewhere in this regulation.(e) Records are kept giving the percent of moisture at the time of packaging.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-05-06-.10
Original rule certified June 5, 1974. Amendment filed October 30, 1986; effective December 14, 1986.Authority: T.C.A. §43-928, Public Chapter 660 of 1986.