Section 0080-05-06-.08 - MINIMUM STANDARD OF GERMINATION AND PURITYAgricultural seed is prohibited from being sold, offered or exposed for sale for sowing purposes in Tennessee if:
(1) The percentage of germination is below 75%. (a) Exceptions. 1. Hybrid field corn shall not germinate less than 90%.2. Dallisgrass shall not germinate less than 30%.3. Sweetclover shall not germinate less than 65%.4. Crownvetch shall not germinate less than 65%.5. Pearl millet shall not germinate less than 65%.(2) The percentage of weed seed is more than 2% or the percentage of purity is below 90%. (a) Exceptions. 1. Dallisgrass | 50% |
2. Orchardgrass | 85% |
3. Redtop Grass | 87% |
4. Bluegrass | 75% |
(b) Coated seed may have a purity of less than 90%. (3) The percentage of inert material is more than 10%. Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-05-06-.08
Original rule certified June 5, 1974. Amendment filed October 30, 1986; effective December 14, 1986.Authority: T.C.A. §43-928, Public Chapter 660 of 1986.