Section 0080-05-06-.02 - LABELS(1) Hybrid corn seed containing Texas Male Sterile Cytoplasm shall be labeled to show the percentage of this Cytoplasm expressed by the symbol (T*) in parentheses immediately following the variety name. This asterisk (*) shall refer to a statement on the front panel of the seed label stating the percentage (%) of seed in the lot with Texas Male Sterile Cytoplasm. This information shall be printed in type no smaller than that used for the variety and kind name. (T*) shall be disassociated from the variety name by use of parentheses, brackets, quotes, or spaces. EXAMPLES:
(a) Kind, Corn Variety, 704 (T*)
100% T-Cytoplasm (any place on front of analysis tag )
(Note: Reference to separate tag permitted, e.g., "see separate tag.")
(b) Kind, Corn Variety, 704 (T*)
*50% T-Cytoplasm (any place in front of analysis tag.)
(Note: Reference to separate tag permitted, e.g., "see separate tag.")
Note: 704 is used as a fictitious variety name in label example.
(2) A complete analysis must be given and the purity test percentage must total one-hundred (100%) percent. Blank spaces on a tag or label shall be considered equivalent to the word "None". Either numerals or the word "none" should be used to express a percentage or numbers per pound.(3) Abbreviations in labeling seed is not permissible.Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-05-06-.02
Original rule certified June 5, 1974. Amendment filed October 30, 1986; effective December 14, 1986.Authority: T.C.A. §43-928, Public Chapter 660 of 1986.