S.D. Admin. R. 74:56:05:01

Current through Register Vol. 51, page 34, September 9, 2024
Section 74:56:05:01 - Definitions

Terms defined in SDCL chapters 34A-2 and 34A-12 and ARSD chapters 74:54:01, 74:54:02, 74:56:01, and 74:56:03 have the same meaning when used in this chapter unless they are defined otherwise. In addition, terms used in this chapter mean:

(1) "Action levels," numeric values or other performance criteria that are protective of human health which, if reached or exceeded, require further assessment or corrective action;
(2) "Chemicals of concern," specific constituents that are identified for evaluation in the risk assessment process as provided for in § 74:56:05:04;
(3) "Corrective action," the sequence of actions at a petroleum release site that include site assessment, interim remedial action, remedial action, operation and maintenance of equipment, monitoring of progress, and termination of the remedial action;
(4) "Direct exposure pathway," an exposure pathway, as defined in § 74:56:05:02, whose point of exposure is at the source, without a release to any other medium;
(5) "Excavation area," the area containing the tank system and backfill material bounded by the ground surface, the walls and floor of the pit, and the trenches into which the underground storage tank system was placed at the time of installation or two feet around the underground storage tank system if the limits of the original excavation cannot be determined;
(6) "Exposure," contact of an organism with a chemical of concern;
(7) "Exposure assessment," the estimation, qualitative or quantitative, of the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure to a chemical of concern, and the route of exposure;
(8) "Fate and transport analysis," a study conducted to determine the mechanisms and routes by which chemicals of concern may enter a specific environment, the specific environments potentially affected by the chemicals of concern, and the final disposition and chemical form of the chemicals of concern in those environments;
(9) Free phase product," pure petroleum product floating on the groundwater;
(10) "Hazard index (HI)," the sum of more than one hazard quotient for multiple chemicals of concern or multiple exposure pathways;
(11) "Hazard quotient," the ratio of a single chemical exposure level over a specified period of time to a reference dose for that chemical derived from a similar exposure period;
(12) "Indirect exposure pathway," an exposure pathway, as defined in § 74:56:05:02, with at least one intermediate release to any medium between the source and the point or points of exposure, i.e., chemicals of concern moving from soil through groundwater to the point or points of exposure;
(13) "Middle distillate total petroleum hydrocarbons," petroleum products with boiling point ranges from 190° to 360°C, such as diesel fuels, heating fuels, kerosene, motor oil, waste oil, transformer oil, crude oil, aviation fuel, and similar substances;
(14) "Reasonable maximum exposure," the highest exposure to a chemical of concern expected to occur at a site;
(15) "Receptor," persons, structures, utilities, surface water, groundwater, or water supply wells that are or may be adversely affected by a petroleum release;
(16) "Reference dose (RfD)," an estimate of daily exposure level to a chemical of concern for the human population, including sensitive subpopulations, that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime;
(17) "Slope factor," an upper-bound estimate of the probability of a response per unit intake of a chemical of concern over a lifetime, used to estimate an upper-bound probability of an individual developing cancer as a result of a lifetime of exposure to a particular level of a potential carcinogen;
(18) "Volatile," petroleum products with boiling point ranges from 20° to 190°C, such as gasolines, gasohol aviation gas, jet fuel, and similar substances.

S.D. Admin. R. 74:56:05:01

17 SDR 37, effective 9/12/1990; transferred from

General Authority: SDCL 34A-2-93, 34A-2-99, 34A-2-101, 34A-12-7.

Law Implemented: SDCL 34A-2-98, 34A-12-1.

Underground storage tanks (UST), ch 74:56:01.