Chapter 74:52:05 - Application process
- Section 74:52:05:01 - Complete application required
- Section 74:52:05:02 - Secretary to review application for completeness
- Section 74:52:05:03 - Refusal to correct application deficiency grounds for permit denial
- Section 74:52:05:04 - Notice for application denial
- Section 74:52:05:05 - Secretary to prepare proposed permit upon approval of application
- Section 74:52:05:06 - Public notice - Proposed permit and statement of basis
- Section 74:52:05:07 - Contents of statement of basis
- Section 74:52:05:08 - Public notice of permit actions required
- Section 74:52:05:09 - Public notice not required for denial of request for modifications, revocation and reissuance, or termination of a permit
- Section 74:52:05:10 - Public notices for more than one action
- Section 74:52:05:11 - At least 30 days allowed for public comment on the preparation of a proposed permit
- Section 74:52:05:12 - At least 30 days public notice required for contested case hearing
- Section 74:52:05:13 - Methods of public notice
- Section 74:52:05:14 - Contents of public notice for proposed permit
- Section 74:52:05:15 - Public comments - Request for contested case hearing
- Section 74:52:05:16 - Obligation to raise issues and provide information during the public comment period
- Section 74:52:05:17 - Contents of public notices for hearings
- Section 74:52:05:18 - Issuance of final decision - Notice to interested persons
- Section 74:52:05:19 - Effective date of permit
- Section 74:52:05:20 - Response to comments