S.D. Admin. R. 74:29:08:02
Interim reclamation must be initiated on affected land if no further disturbance is scheduled to occur on that land within two years. Interim reclamation must be completed within one year thereafter. Where revegetation is required in the interim reclamation plan, seeding shall be done at the earliest favorable planting time. All affected lands requiring interim reclamation shall be stabilized and made visually and functionally compatible with the surrounding area by regarding, recontouring, revegetating, and implementing other measures, as necessary, to effectively control drainage and erosion. Interim reclamation must be conducted in accordance with the general and specific reclamation requirements specified in chapter 74:29:07, as applicable, unless otherwise approved by the board.
S.D. Admin. R. 74:29:08:02
General Authority: SDCL 45-6B-81.
Law Implemented: SDCL 45-6B-37, 45-6B-39, 45-6B-40, 45-6B-42, 45-6B-43, 45-6B-46.