Chapter 74:02:01 - General rules
- Section 74:02:01:01 - Definitions
- Section 74:02:01:01.01 - Public recreation areas defined
- Section 74:02:01:01.02 - Confinement operation defined
- Section 74:02:01:02 - Water management board - Annual meeting - Quorum
- Section 74:02:01:03 - Uses of water which require a permit
- Section 74:02:01:03.01 - Adding connections to a water distribution system
- Section 74:02:01:03.02 and 74:02:01:04 - Certain water use systems not water distribution systems. Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:05 - Criteria for establishing Missouri River irrigation rates
- Section 74:02:01:05.01 - Volume of Missouri River water applied to the land
- Section 74:02:01:05.02 - Registration of domestic well
- Section 74:02:01:05.03 - Volume of water for nonirrigation water permit or right or nonirrigation vested right
- Section 74:02:01:06 - Application for water permit furnished by chief engineer - Method of completion - Fee required
- Section 74:02:01:07 - Map required with water permit application
- Section 74:02:01:07.01 - Changes in points of diversion allowable by chief engineer.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:08 - Supplemental forms required when system includes wells, dugouts, or water storage dams
- Section 74:02:01:08.01 - Driller's log required
- Section 74:02:01:09 - Forms required showing soil-water compatibility approval of conservation commission for irrigation.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:10 - Numbering of applications
- Section 74:02:01:11 and 74:02:01:12 - Notice of hearing on application required - Contents.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:12.01 - Additional information for water permit application hearing
- Section 74:02:01:12.02 - Waiver of right to receive notice and other materials
- Section 74:02:01:12.03 - Delegation of authority to chief engineer to issue uncontested permits
- Section 74:02:01:12.04 - Deadline to file petitions
- Section 74:02:01:12.05 - Procedure to contest chief engineer's recommendation
- Section 74:02:01:12.06 - Published date of hearing
- Section 74:02:01:13 - Authorized actions of board on water permit applications.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:13.01 - Submission of proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and final decision - Comments
- Section 74:02:01:13.02 - Signing of findings of fact, conclusions of law, and final decision - Valid permit
- Section 74:02:01:14 - Approved applications to contain qualifications - Authority to proceed with construction
- Section 74:02:01:14.01 - Amendment of permits, rights, or vested rights
- Section 74:02:01:14.02 - Mandatory requirement to submit irrigation water use report - Exception
- Section 74:02:01:15 - Procedure for rejection of applications
- Section 74:02:01:15.01 - Applications for withdrawn water source.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:15.02 - Applications to appropriate water in excess of 10,000 acre feet annually
- Section 74:02:01:15.03 - Procedures for applications to appropriate water in excess of 10,000 acre feet annually
- Section 74:02:01:15.04 - Board action on applications to appropriate water in excess of 10,000 acre feet annually
- Section 74:02:01:15.05 - Board action after legislative action
- Section 74:02:01:16 - Inspection reports of construction and application of water to be maintained
- Section 74:02:01:16.01 - Combining permits into one license
- Section 74:02:01:17 to 74:02:01:19 - Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:20 - Procedure for filing vested right claim
- Section 74:02:01:20.01 - Chief engineer's investigation of vested right claims
- Section 74:02:01:21 - Application procedure for vested right claim - Validation of claim
- Section 74:02:01:22 - Issuance of water license for vested right claims
- Section 74:02:01:23 - Public bodies authorized to appropriate water for future use - Procedure.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:24 - Application procedure for entities to appropriate water for future use
- Section 74:02:01:24.01 - Future use applications and future use permits limited
- Section 74:02:01:24.02 - Submission of annual water use records
- Section 74:02:01:25 - Board to act on future use application by entity - Authorized qualifications
- Section 74:02:01:25.01 - Future use permit review - Recommendation and scheduling for review
- Section 74:02:01:25.02 - Notice of review of future use permit
- Section 74:02:01:25.03 - Publication of notice of future use permit review
- Section 74:02:01:26 - Effect of board's approval of public body's applications - Additional application required for construction.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:26.01 - Reinstating amount of water not developed
- Section 74:02:01:27 to 74:02:01:31 - Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:32 - Applications for temporary permit - Telephone requests
- Section 74:02:01:33 - Information required for temporary permits
- Section 74:02:01:34 - Chief engineer authorized to issue temporary permits
- Section 74:02:01:34.01 - Rescission of temporary permits by chief engineer
- Section 74:02:01:34.02 - Appeal of rescission of temporary permit to board
- Section 74:02:01:35 - Expiration date of temporary permits.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:35.01 - Application procedure for flood control permits
- Section 74:02:01:35.02 - Inspection of flood control works - Licensing
- Section 74:02:01:36 - Board authorized to cancel invalid water permits, rights, or vested rights
- Section 74:02:01:37 - Invalid water permit, right, or vested right defined
- Section 74:02:01:37.01 - Legal excuse for nonuse of water
- Section 74:02:01:37.02 - Exceptions to nonuse of water
- Section 74:02:01:38 - Procedure for consideration of water permit, right, or vested right cancellations - Contents of notice
- Section 74:02:01:39 - Notice of consideration of cancellation by publication.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:40 - Action by board - Minutes to show reasons for cancellation
- Section 74:02:01:40.01 - Cancellation of irrigation location notice - Retention as stock water location notice
- Section 74:02:01:41 - Holders to be notified of cancellation action - Notice by publication
- Section 74:02:01:42 - Application for well driller license - License representative to be designated
- Section 74:02:01:42.01 - Types of water use wells
- Section 74:02:01:42.02 - Requirements for all well driller license applications
- Section 74:02:01:42.03 - Documentation of experience required for new license applications
- Section 74:02:01:42.04 - Application requirements for renewal of a well driller license
- Section 74:02:01:42.05 - Deadline for renewal of license
- Section 74:02:01:42.06 - New license representative or licensing for additional well types
- Section 74:02:01:42.07 - License renewals after March 31, 1983
- Section 74:02:01:42.08 - Criteria for continuing education for a well driller license
- Section 74:02:01:42.09 - Examination required
- Section 74:02:01:43 - Chief engineer authorized to issue well driller's licenses - Referring requests to board.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:43.01 - Chief engineer authorized to delay issuance of license
- Section 74:02:01:43.02 - Board authorized to revoke license when unauthorized well types drilled
- Section 74:02:01:43.03 - Well driller license representative - Activity limitation
- Section 74:02:01:43.04 - Application for well pump installer license - License representative to be designated
- Section 74:02:01:43.05 - Requirements for all well pump installer license applications
- Section 74:02:01:43.06 - Documentation of experience required for new license application
- Section 74:02:01:43.07 - Application requirements for renewal of a well pump installer license
- Section 74:02:01:43.08 - Deadline for renewal of license
- Section 74:02:01:43.09 - New license representative
- Section 74:02:01:43.10 - Well pump installer license representative - Activity limitation
- Section 74:02:01:43.11 - Continuing education requirements
- Section 74:02:01:43.12 - Criteria for continuing education for well pump installer license
- Section 74:02:01:44 - Applications for filing location notices for dams
- Section 74:02:01:45 - Approval of location certificates - Notice of denial.Repealed
- Section 74:02:01:46 - Request to board for declaratory ruling - Petition contents
- Section 74:02:01:47 - Timely consideration by board
- Section 74:02:01:48 - Petitioner to notify all affected persons
- Section 74:02:01:49 - Declaratory rulings - Appeal
- Section 74:02:01:50 - Outlet elevation - Inclusion in existing water rights or permits
- Section 74:02:01:51 - Request to determine high or low water mark - Contents
- Section 74:02:01:52 - Publication of the notice to determine high or low water mark