S.D. Admin. R. 70:09:03:01
A permit is expired if the access is not under construction within one year of the permit issue date or before the expiration of any authorized extension. The permittee may request a one-year extension from the department if the permittee is unable to commence construction within one year after the permit issue date. Only one extension may be granted. Any request for an extension must be in writing and submitted to the department before the permit expires. The request shall state the reasons why the extension is necessary and when construction is anticipated. The request shall include a copy of the first page of the access permit. Any extension approval shall be in writing. Any person wishing to reestablish an access permit that has expired shall submit a new permit application.
S.D. Admin. R. 70:09:03:01
General Authority: SDCL 11-3-12.2.
Law Implemented: SDCL 11-3-12.2.