Chapter 67:10:01 - General provisions
- Section 67:10:01:01 - Definitions
- Section 67:10:01:02 - Certain children eligible for assistance
- Section 67:10:01:03 - Signed application
- Section 67:10:01:04 - Individuals who must be included in assistance unit - Option for Indian stepparent or child in foster care
- Section 67:10:01:05 - Individuals ineligible for assistance
- Section 67:10:01:06 - Specific degree of relationship between child and parent or relative
- Section 67:10:01:07 - Citizenship and alienage
- Section 67:10:01:08 - Assistance for qualified alien
- Section 67:10:01:09 - Residency
- Section 67:10:01:10 - Child considered to be living with caretaker relative if attending boarding school or treatment program
- Section 67:10:01:11 - Temporary absence of child - Caretaker relative required to notify department
- Section 67:10:01:12 - Mandatory participation in work activities
- Section 67:10:01:13 - Individual ineligible if convicted of certain offenses (Repealed)
- Section 67:10:01:14 - Eligibility restrictions for a parent under age 18
- Section 67:10:01:15 - Exceptions to eligibility requirements for parents under age 18
- Section 67:10:01:16 - Assistance unit ineligible after 60 months
- Section 67:10:01:16.01 - Hardship criteria for assistance unit ineligible after 60 months
- Section 67:10:01:17 - Applicants or recipients to take advantage of all income and resources
- Section 67:10:01:18 - Method of determining initial and continuing eligibility
- Section 67:10:01:19 - Applicant to provide information promptly
- Section 67:10:01:20 - Determination of eligibility within 30 days
- Section 67:10:01:21 - Date financial assistance begins
- Section 67:10:01:22 - Assistance denied or terminated if caseworker cannot locate recipient or applicant
- Section 67:10:01:23 - Assistance unit to report change of circumstances
- Section 67:10:01:24 - Full determination of continuing eligibility
- Section 67:10:01:25 - Individual to supply necessary information
- Section 67:10:01:26 - Individual to supply third-party liability information - Penalty
- Section 67:10:01:27 - Good cause for refusing to cooperate
- Section 67:10:01:28 - Good cause - Individual to provide timely evidence - Extensions - Failure to respond
- Section 67:10:01:29 - Evidence of good cause
- Section 67:10:01:30 - Criteria for basing good cause on emotional harm
- Section 67:10:01:31 - Department to investigate good cause claims
- Section 67:10:01:32 - Departmental contact with absent parent
- Section 67:10:01:33 - Department to determine good cause and notify individual - Contents of notice
- Section 67:10:01:34 - Biannual redetermination of good cause - Notice of rescindment
- Section 67:10:01:35 - Availability of information
- Section 67:10:01:35.01 - Release of confidential information