Chapter 64:28:03 - Application requirements
- Section 64:28:03:01 - Use of application.Repealed
- Section 64:28:03:02 - Signature of owner required
- Section 64:28:03:03 - Application for title with no tax paid.Repealed
- Section 64:28:03:04 - Damage disclosure statement
- Section 64:28:03:04.01 - Damage noted on titles prior to July 1, 1992, and prior to July 1, 1999. Repealed
- Section 64:28:03:04.02 - Proof of damage.Repealed
- Section 64:28:03:04.03 - Verification of cost of repair of damaged motor vehicle
- Section 64:28:03:04.04 - Design and display of damage disclosure notice
- Section 64:28:03:05 - Out-of-state "junking" title
- Section 64:28:03:06 and 64:28:03:07 - Transferred
- Section 64:28:03:08 - Authorization of owner required
- Section 64:28:03:09 - Titling vehicles in both business and personal names of a licensed automobile dealer
- Section 64:28:03:10 - Titling a vehicle which has previously been issued a junking certificate.Repealed
- Section 64:28:03:11 - Odometer notation on certificates of title
- Section 64:28:03:12 - Determination of body type