Chapter 61:24:04 - Permits
- Section 61:24:04:01 - Design of demonstration/in-transit permit
- Section 61:24:04:02 and 61:24:04:03 - Design of motorcycle, boat, trailer, and snowmobile temporary 30-day license permit. Repealed
- Section 61:24:04:04 - Reserved
- Section 61:24:04:05 - Design of demonstration/in-transit permit for a boat, trailer, motorcycle, or snowmobile
- Section 61:24:04:06 - Design of dealer's car auction agency in-transit permit.Repealed
- Section 61:24:04:07 - 30-day sold permit requirements
- Section 61:24:04:08 - Special plate order permit, Transferred
- Appendix A - Design of Temporary License Permits for Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles, Repealed