Chapter 61:18:01 - General provisions
- Section 61:18:01:01 - Definitions
- Section 61:18:01:02 - Notice of opportunity for hearing upon request.Repealed
- Section 61:18:01:02.01 - Notice of withdrawal of driving privileges
- Section 61:18:01:02.02 - Hearing requests
- Section 61:18:01:03 - Failure to respond
- Section 61:18:01:03.01 - Hearings
- Section 61:18:01:04 - Failure to appear.Repealed
- Section 61:18:01:05 - Recommendation of hearing officer
- Section 61:18:01:06 to 61:18:01:08 - Repealed
- Section 61:18:01:09 - Transferred
- Section 61:18:01:10 - Ineligibility for restricted license.Repealed
- Section 61:18:01:11 - Burden of proof at hearing