Chapter 5:02:09 - Automatic tabulating equipment
- Section 5:02:09:01 - Notice of use of electronic voting systems.Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:01.01 - Notice of testing automatic tabulating equipment
- Section 5:02:09:01.02 - Test of tabulating equipment
- Section 5:02:09:01.03 - [Repealed]
- Section 5:02:09:01.04 - Sealing tabulating equipment
- Section 5:02:09:02 - Approval of automatic tabulating systems required before distribution
- Section 5:02:09:02.01 - Criteria for approving automatic tabulating systems
- Section 5:02:09:02.02 - Criteria for approving direct recording electronic voting machines
- Section 5:02:09:02.03 - Criteria for approving electronic ballot marking systems
- Section 5:02:09:03 - Number of voting booths
- Section 5:02:09:04 to 5:02:09:04.02 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:04.03 - Arrangements for and conduct of voting in precincts where automatic tabulating systems used
- Section 5:02:09:04.04 - Tabulation procedures
- Section 5:02:09:04.05 - Election day test of electronic ballot marking system
- Section 5:02:09:05 - Recount procedure
- Section 5:02:09:06 to 5:02:09:08 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:09 - Unnecessary items in the pollbook
- Section 5:02:09:10 - Immediate unofficial returns.Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:11 - Official and unofficial election results
- Section 5:02:09:11.01 to 5:02:09:12 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:13 - Envelope for official returns
- Section 5:02:09:14 - Oath by tabulation center employees
- Section 5:02:09:15 - Colors of pages of ballot booklet.Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:16 - Recapitulation sheet
- Section 5:02:09:17 - Examination of voting booths
- Section 5:02:09:18 to 5:02:09:21 - Repealed
- Section 5:02:09:22 - Counting imperfectly marked optical scan ballots